Aliens – The Strange Truth – Read Online – Chapter 4



We looked in the last chapter at stones, rocks, mountains and crystals and came to the conclusion that, although each of those objects had unique frequencies and aspects of personality placed within the eight dimensions, with the exception of crystals, they could hardly be described as having personalities.

However, when we investigate plants; grasses, vegetation of various types and trees, we can see a much more advanced form of life.
Once again, we must stress that each little grass plant, vegetable, flower, bush or tree has a unique frequency and each one has its aspects of personality placed in the eight dimensions.

Clearly, however, we can also see that each vegetable object is much more alive than a stone and we must be aware that each object in the vegetable realm knows that it is alive and does its best to succeed in growing, even at the expense of stifling the growth of other objects growing close to it.
We have explained the reason why in other books.
This drive to succeed at all costs is the ego part of the plant, helping the God force contained within the plant to be dominant.
So, we can guess that, amongst the various personality aspects present in the eight dimensions, ego will be very prominent.

Now, there is a vast range to the vegetable realm, from tiny plants to mighty trees and each one is aware, from the very beginning of its creation, exactly what it is destined to become.
So, we can say, that amongst the eight aspects of personality, is its knowledge of exactly what each plant will become. There is an interesting aspect of most vegetation in that, in a way, it has two aspects to its life force. First, it has the knowledge that it is alive and second, it has the knowledge of what it is destined to become.

Most plants start off as seeds, some small and some quite large. We will look inside a seed to see what is going on later but let us assume for now that a seed is alive and knows that it is alive. It is just awaiting the moment when conditions are right for that life force to spring forth from the seed.
So, the seed is planted in Earth and watered, either by man or by nature.
Then, something amazing occurs. The plant puts forth two leaves. The thing is that amongst virtually all plants, these first two leaves are more or less identical. Some might be larger than others but a gardener would have great difficulty in describing exactly what plant was going to be produced just by looking at the first pair of leaves – they all look the same.
It is not until the second pair of leaves are produced that the plant can be named.

The reason for this is easy to understand.
Assuming that the seed is alive, that initial life force is the God force that springs from the seed. As God does not create personalities – God just creates life – the plant does not actually know at that point what it is going to be. It just knows that it is a plant and alive, so it puts out a pair of leaves to draw light into the seed to help with the growth process.
But, that seed also has eight possible personality aspects and it is one of those that knows just what the plant is going to be.
The personality aspects, contained within the dimensions (auras), associate with the plant shortly after the seed bursts into life.
It is similar with the personality system that links with a human baby at the moment of birth.
But seed, or baby, has life first and personalities (auras) second.
So, in the case of a plant, the life force contained in association with the seed, as it springs to life, helps push out two leaves, then the auras surround the plant and its designation links; geranium, oak tree or whatever.
Only then do leaves start to grow that can be recognised by a gardener.

Once again, we return to the aspects of personality that we mentioned in relation to stones.
At the risk of repeating ourselves we need to reinforce the concept that each and every plant has eight possible personality traits, one on each of the various dimensions or auras.
We have already stated that first and foremost amongst plants is what we might call ego. This is really the God force striving to survive at all costs.
Therefore, if we could see surrounding the plant, it’s auras, we would see, shining the most forcefully, that which corresponds to the desire to survive at all costs – ego.
However, depending on the type of plant, some are much more developed than others.
For example, a mighty oak, or the sort of tree capable of surviving for thousands of years, although it would not have awareness compared to humans, nevertheless, for those who have psychic vision they would sense that a tree can be much more alive than some basic plants.
It would be instructive to try to analyse some of these aspects of life, of awareness.

Therefore, we can understand that the plant knows that it is alive, so the question is, is that awareness one of the aspects of personality, or is it just the awareness that all life might have been created by God?
We can tell you that it is an aspect of personality.
Not all things know that they are alive. Indeed, there are many basic elements of existence that do not have that awareness.
We might well assume that molecules of substances like oxygen, hydrogen, etc., although alive, do not actually have awareness that they are alive, although they are very much alive and form the basic ingredients of virtually all life.
If it were not for molecules of all types, life as we know it in any and all dimensions could not exist but, taken individually, none of them have sufficient awareness to know that they are alive.
It is only when they come together to form a “something”, that something can realise that it is alive.
As we are examining plants, let us consider that all plants, from the tiniest to the greatest, have an aspect of personality sufficiently developed so as to know that it is alive.

May we at this point say that we are using the word “plants” to cover all aspects of flora, as the word flora may not be known to all English speaking people, whereas plants is a word more generally known.
But, we wish you to comprehend, that when we speak of plants, we include everything that exists in the flora kingdom. Not only flowering plants but shrubs, bushes, trees, and everything that contains vegetable matter.

So, to return to the consideration of plants and the aspects of personality.
We already mentioned ego and said that it was the most powerful, prominent aspect of personality.
Most things that can move; animals, humans and so on have the fight/flight aspect fairly well developed. This is an aspect of ego, the desire to survive at all costs. This desire to survive is, as we have mentioned, the God force pushing the creature to live long enough to procreate, thus assuring the continuation of its species.

However, the vast majority of plants cannot move. There are a few exceptions, mainly in aquatic species but even they tend to just float about at the mercy of wind and tide.
So, flight is not really an option in the plant kingdom. But fight is and most plants, once they have sufficiently grown, as to allow their personalities (auras) to join them, can put up a pretty good show at defending themselves.
Some grow to become powerful solo objects.
Some develop into large clumps that we call bushes, while others develop sharp spines (thorns) to prevent animals from eating them.
Then, of course, many have developed poisonous toxins in sap, leaves or stems that discourage from being consumed.
Modern and ancient medicine, has found numerous uses for these toxins and it is fair to say that medicine as we know it would not be, if it were not for the toxins that plants have developed over time.

Although many plants prove beneficial to both mankind and to animals, we must stress that the primary aim of the plants in developing these molecules, so helpful to medicine, was and is, to discourage people and animals from consuming them.

So, all this development; size, thorns, toxins, came about as a result of ego.
And ego, as we have said, is the result of the God force pushing the plant to survive at all costs. It is the fight aspect of fight/flight used by mobile creatures.

Therefore, we now have two aspects of personality active; awareness of being alive and ego.
A moment’s thought would reveal that these two aspects are closely connected and could be considered to be one. If the plant knows that it is alive, it follows that it will have the desire to survive until it has the chance to procreate in order to further its species. But, in fact they are separate.

Whilst it is true that, once a plant knows that it is alive, it naturally has the desire to survive at all costs, this is not always the case with all creatures.
We have mentioned the example of creatures, or beings that will sacrifice their lives to protect their young and, with reluctance, we must mention the few misguided humans who reject the gift of life and commit suicide.
Although these two examples are at opposite ends of the scale in terms of courage, one giving its life to enable others to survive and the other not having the courage to face life, the result is the same, a conscious life force losing its Earthly incarnation.

However, in the case of plants, this does not happen.
A plant will not sacrifice itself to save another, nor would it end its life through cowardice.
Plants cling to life as long as they can, as long as their life plan enables them so to do.
So, we consider ego and the knowledge of life as two independent aspects of personality.

Let us go on and examine other parts of personality of plants.
The next one would be the desire to be in a position to procreate.

Virtually all plants procreate through pollination although, of course, other methods are also used.
Pollination is, of course, closely related to methods of sexual fertilization used by creatures able to move; mammals, reptiles, etc.
There might be botanists who would not entirely agree but their lack of vision is not our concern.

Although there are various methods of producing offspring, many plants use the following system.
A plant will produce an organ that acts rather as a phallus does in more animate entities.
Either the same plant or one of the same species will produce the ability to act as a female.
Then pollen acts rather as sperm does in mobile creatures.

Obviously, this is a generalization but we hope that the student can see the similarity between the way plants and more sentient creatures reproduce.
The main difference is that, in the case of mobile creatures, they are able to meet in order to procreate whereas, in the case of plants, being static, some other system must be employed in order to transfer the sperm of the male to the vagina of the female plant.
This might be air currents – wind – or it might be flying insects.
The idea is that a male and female of the same or similar species join to create the next generation.
Then, of course, seeds are formed which contain that next generation.
We give this brief and incomplete lesson in plant biology in order to bring to your attention another aspect of plant personality, sex drive. The desire to mate and further the next generation of that plant family.

So, the list of personality aspects is growing.
We have ego, knowledge of being alive, and sex drive.
What other aspects of plants could we attribute to personality in plants?

We could say that the form and beauty of the flowers of a plant are influenced by personality although, once again, botanists might not agree.
But the simple truth is that plants, long ago, discovered that certain colours, certain perfumes, attract flying insects and thus aid in pollination, whereas other colours and perfumes will repel the same creatures.
Thus, it is that plants consciously choose certain colours, certain perfumes and even certain shapes, that enable the sex act to be successfully accomplished and thus that species, that plant, to procreate more successfully.

This may just seem to be a reflection of the “survival of the fittest” concept but it is, in fact, a conscious desire of the plant in question to appear dressed in his or her finest clothes to attract suitable insects to aid in pollination – fertilisation.
This aspect of personality we might call dress sense, not a very good scientific name, but we are interested in helping you understand the mindset of a plant, not writing a biological treatise.

You may have noticed a link between the aspects of personality we have so far described.
Dress sense links to sex drive, which also links to ego which, in turn, is linked to awareness of being alive.
Life implies reproduction and, although in the plant kingdom there are a number of forms of reproduction, if one gazes over a field in the countryside that has been left to its own devices, nature will have covered that field with countless beautiful little flowers, each one dressed in its finery to attract passing insects, to aid each plant in its effort to reproduce.

But there is yet another aspect that we must consider. Anyone who has had the opportunity, the great pleasure to gaze over a field that has been left abandoned for some years and has had the opportunity to allow nature to clothe it, will have noticed the vast number of different plants, different species, all growing intermingled in a seemingly haphazard fashion.
Then, countless insects will be observed gathering pollen and, unwittingly, fluttering from flower to flower, depositing male pollen in any number of female flowers of diverse species.
Except for very rare occasions, the sperm from one species of flower will only mix and mate with the ova of the same species. All other accidental attempts to fertilise will be fruitless (wasted).
So, it is obvious that each plant and each family of plants is aware when it is being mated with some plant of his own species or of a species not compatible with it.
This, strange as it may seem, is part of personality.
In a way we could call plants “racist”, in that they tend to mate only with their own kind, although, of course, the plants do not think like that and we use that rather offensive word “racist” merely to explain that plants, generally, tend to procreate with only their own species.

So, we have yet another aspect of personality that, to keep it simple, we will term racism, although, as we said, we do not mean that term in the offensive way that it is used today. We just mean that life tends to interrelate with its own species.

So, how far have we got with aspects of personality?
* We have knowledge of life.
* Ego – the desire to survive at all costs.
* Destination – the knowledge of what it is going to be.
* Sex drive – the desire to procreate.
* Dress sense – the knowledge of how to attract insects to aid in pollination.
* Racism – the desire to stay within its own species.

No doubt we could go on and discover ever more aspects of personality but we have described six major ones and that will give some idea of the makeup of the plant kingdom.
If we were really to dive into more complex areas concerning plants, we would, perhaps, find that many other aspects; shape of leaf, shape of flower, type of perfume emitted, really are subsets of one or more of the basic personality aspects of plants.
We will also stress that we have generalized in our consideration of plants and are perfectly aware that not all plants follow the descriptions that we stated above.
We are aware that not all plants create flowers, not all create perfumes, etc., but what we have attempted to do is to explain the personality traits of the plant kingdom. We have not attempted to create a comprehensive treatise on all of the plant kingdom.
Our interest is from the hidden, esoteric aspect of plants and we have tried to get you to understand that when you look upon any plant, whatever its shape, size or color, you are looking at a living, thinking being, with aspects of personality developed and we hope that from now on, you will try to appreciate that plants are not so very different from you and share many aspects of personality with you although, in the case of most humans, they would be more developed than those of the plant kingdom.

One thing that we did not mention in relation to plants is there ability to feel.
We refer to feel; touch, pain, love, hate and so on. Plants have these abilities but we did not wish to complicate this chapter too much, so we will go on to examine the next level of life and just ask you to be considerate with plants as they, too, feel much as all living things do.

Next Chapter – Chapter 5

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