We have, so far in this book, drawn on events found in the upper 4th dimension, with the exception of the last chapter, because we are interested in describing to you, areas – landscapes – that concern humanity.
Even the last chapter, which was about nature spirits, nevertheless had links to humanity because many humans have been interested in and have reacted with nature spirits for many hundreds of years.
As we mentioned, we look forward to the day that positive nature spirits lose their fear of man and openly share their lives with us.
But the other chapters, by and large, concerned delving into descriptions of places – landscapes – within the vast dimension which is the upper 4th.
Of course, the lower 4th also concerns us because the various demonic forces play a role in balancing physical life.
However, once incarnation finished, the role of the creatures in the lower 4th have less significance because demonic forces cannot raise their frequency sufficient to enter the upper 4th.
They do play a significant role in acting as the trashmen in physicality, which is part of the 6th dimension, but providing man follows the holy path, demons cannot interfere with him.
They can only influence those who choose to follow the left-hand path or who actively seek to be negative.
But the upper 4th, which we will return to just calling the 4th, contains a multitude of landscapes.
It might be fair to say that there are areas that we do not yet know about although we have a comprehensive knowledge of most of it. The idea that there might be yet more to be discovered enthralls and interests us and keeps us on our toes, so to speak, always on the lookout for areas new to us.
So far, we have not found any but we keep an open mind and hope to find new areas one day.
But let us look at an area or landscape that we do know about and describe this area to you.
It is a place, if we can thus call it, that deals with life in an abstract sense.
What do we mean by this?
Generally speaking, if you read our books, lessons or watch the videos we make, we are dealing with fairly concrete concepts.
Even what we might consider to be somewhat abstract concepts, such as art in all its various forms, usually has a concrete form. For instance, a painting ends up with a physical work of art, even for us in the astral realms.
Writing gives us books which we store in our libraries – the akashic record.
We could go on and describe virtually any concept thought about by man because they usually end up with a physical object of some sort.
To make this perfectly clear. If we have the desire to create a picture, a statue, a building, cook a dish, make a garment and so on, whatever we think about and have the desire to make, if that desire is pushed to its conclusion, we finish with a physical object being produced.
Do not think that just because we live in an astral plane – the 4th – that we cannot create physical objects. We can.
Our dimension seems to us to be as real and as solid as your dimension appears to you. So, we can create things in exactly the same way that you can, the only difference being that we can create mental thought form tools to help us create as opposed to you who have to create tools and machines in solid form to translate your thoughts into reality.
But our store rooms contain enormous numbers of inventions.
However, there are thoughts and concepts that are not possible to put into fact.
If we take the word ‘love’, for example.
Immediately, everyone has a different concept of the word.
A mother might well have love for her newborn child. A couple might well love each other.
But, if we think about it, there is a vast difference between the love that a mother has for her newborn child and the love a couple might have for each other. We will not go into details but you can work out the difference for yourselves.
Equally, we have the opposite, ‘hate’. Once again, it is an abstract concept.
You might well be able to create a physical image of art; a painting, a statue etc., but you would be hard pushed to create a physical representation of love or hate.
You could, using something physical, suggest the concept of love or hate but there is nothing that directly links to the meaning of the words.
We could, for instance, draw a heart, with or without cupid’s arrow piercing it and we would know that we are representing love, but if you think about it, we are actually using symbols that have become accepted as representing love and not an actual physical object called love.
We hope you can appreciate the point we are making.
We are suggesting that there is an area in the 4th that deals with and contains the vibrational energy of abstract thought.
This is an important area and we would like, in this chapter, to explore this place and help you to understand how it functions.
Like a number of areas of the 4th it is non-physical, by which we mean that if and when we visit this area there is nothing to see. It is purely an area in which abstract thought exists.
We have already mentioned a couple of similar areas and this is yet another.
The way to enter it, as we have previously described, is by aligning our frequency to that area and we find ourselves there. Of course, there is nothing to see once we arrive. We are in an area of abstract thought.
However, this area is slightly different to the areas we have previously described.
As we enter this one, whether we are aware of it or not, our DNA becomes involved.
The reason is because, with the previous non-physical areas we mentioned, once we had balanced our frequency to the area concerned, it was mostly just a question of delving into it with our minds, but with this area, deep psychological questions are posed, and to obtain answers, it requires that not only our mind but also our higher self must be involved and thus DNA must start its inevitable process of sifting the wheat from the chaff, so to speak.
So, this is not an easy area to describe nor to interact with despite using words like ‘love’, ‘hate’, ‘intelligence’ and ‘thought’ in our everyday communications.
We could make a long list of words that we use that describe abstract thoughts and emotions (both of these words are part of what we are talking about), but we will leave you to create your own list if you so desire.
The point we are making is that there are a number of thought creations that are an essential part of our everyday communications that we all accept and understand but that bear no relation to anything concrete or physical.
We repeat, there is an area within the 4th dimension that deals with these abstract words but that are actually very important to our communications and reactions with many aspects of life.
How often do we say, for example, ‘I love you’, or ‘I love doing this or that ‘?
Equally, we say that we have been ‘thinking’ about something or have ‘mulled over in our minds’ something.
We could go on and on giving examples of such words or phrases.
It suffices to take a piece of paper and, on one side of it, write a list of these words and, on the other side of it, try to draw a meaningful depiction of the words to illustrate what we mean.
Yet another example to illustrate the point. If we take the word ‘thought’, something that we do countless times a day. But, although we might try to create a written description of the word ‘thought’ we could not draw anything that would immediately depict to someone else that we had depicted the word ‘thought’
We do not wish to labor the point but we want you clearly to understand that there are a host of words that have no physical representation. And yet these words exist and have clear meanings to us all. We all know the meaning of the words love or hate, like or dislike, brave or cowardly etc., but they have no physical representation except in a cartoon fashion.
We mentioned that love is often represented as a heart-shaped drawing. If we see a drawing of a heart shape, we accept that it represents the word love, but we think you will agree that it is a poor representation of the magnificence of the emotion of true love, whether it be for a couple truly in love, a mother’s love for a child, the emotion someone has for a pet animal or even a consuming love for a hobby.
So, the word love can be applied in many ways to many things, in varying degrees. We chose the word love deliberately because the theme of our planet is love.
Jesus said that he loved us all and urged us to love our neighbors as ourselves, which implies that we should love ourselves. Not in a narcissistic manner but in a deep, platonic, respectful fashion. And yet we really do not have any means of depicting this fundamental aspect of our creation.
Our God is the God of love. Deep down, if we can tap into our God force, we release the emotion of love.
Love for self and for all things. When we truly can tap into this God force called love, we are overwhelmed by this beautiful emotion and yet we have no accurate means of depicting it accept a childish picture of a heart – which does not even depict what a heart really looks like.
We repeat, that the point we are making is that there are a number of concepts, of words that we use every day, but that there is no concrete way of depicting.
This area in the 4th dimension is what we are trying to describe because this is the area that deals with the vital concepts – abstract words.
Before we try to describe this area, let us use one more phrase to illustrate the point.
Let us use the sentence that many of you have said, ‘I love my dog or cat.’
Now, try to describe this sentence in pictures rather as many civilizations did.
Already, the personal pronoun ‘I’ has no accepted picture. But the second word ‘love’ has to be depicted using the heart shape.
The third word ‘my’ has no accepted pictorial representation.
It is only the words dog or cat that we could picture by drawing a dog or a cat.
So, from this simple sentence,’ I love my dog or cat’, we would have the greatest difficulty in representing it pictorially and that is because ‘I’ and ‘my’ are abstract terms, despite both of them being deeply concerned with you.
It is only the words love and dog or cat that we could draw.
‘I’ and ‘my’ remain abstract.
This is strange, don’t you think?
Two of the most important words applicable to you, ‘I’ and ‘my’ (as in belonging to me) cannot be conveyed except by using words.
Many other words we could convey with pictures, and dog, cat, bird, house, car and so on we could draw, but two of the most important words we use, ‘I’ and ‘my’ or even ‘me’ if we add a third, cannot be meaningfully described except using words.
Thus, we can appreciate the difficulty people had thousands of years ago, before written languages were invented, describing abstract thoughts using just hieroglyphs.
No doubt they did their best to overcome this problem but it must have been a struggle to invent symbols without the invention of written language.
People often wonder about Latin numerals that did not have zero and did not have negative numbers. These are important to us today and one wonders how Latin speakers, writers or mathematicians coped with describing the concept of zero or, indeed, calculate without having the use of negative numbers.
So, long ago we had abstract thoughts that we could speak but could not, perhaps, describe using just hieroglyphs. The languages must have been incomplete.
Let us trace the whole concept back to see where we are with all this.
In one part of the 4th we have an area that contains the concept of abstract thought.
There is no list of words in this area, just the concept itself.
Then, for those who could tap into this area we had people that desired to depict these abstract thoughts.
But, just using hieroglyphics, many of these abstract thoughts were impossible to create.
It was not until written languages were invented that one could start to express abstract thoughts.
This must have been very frustrating to scribes of long ago who were tasked with writing down the dictates, for example, of a Pharaoh who might have used abstract words in his dictation.
Or did they?
Did words exist for abstract thoughts in those days if there were no signs to depict them, or did Pharaohs have just to use words for which symbols could be used?
We wonder if modern linguists who study ancient symbolic language as we see written in tombs or on clay tablets in various countries and various temples, question the use – or not – of abstract thoughts?
Or do they content themselves with just translating the messages without questioning the missing words? Or yet again, do linguists themselves add the missing abstract thoughts to their translations?
We have spent far longer than we intended giving examples of the difficulties of creating sentences containing abstract concepts, and we have no doubt there will be some people who will do all they can to say that abstract concepts have been accurately depicted in hieroglyphic writings, but our investigations of early methods of communication have revealed that scribes had difficulty in depicting abstract thoughts or messages.
We will just use one more example of a phrase that many a tyrant would have liked to express but had difficulty with.
This is the phrase.
‘I am the greatest Pharaoh (or whatever chief of his people he was) that has ever been or ever will be.’
We think that there has been in the past many such people who would have liked to express that thought.
Today, of course, using written language, the phrase is simple but put yourself in the position of scribes in ancient Egypt or any other country that did not have written language.
The sentence we wrote contains a number of words that are abstract thoughts, if you analyse it in terms of what we have previously mentioned, and so one can imagine the difficulties of scribes of those times and they would have been hard pushed to find hieroglyphics that correctly portrayed that – to us nowadays – simple sentence.
However, we have said more than enough to illustrate the difficulty in accurately portraying abstract thoughts. Even today, with all the language we have at our disposition, we might struggle to describe some abstract thoughts succinctly.
Enough said!
Let us, in our minds, link with this abstract thought landscape and see what we can see.
First, we must say that this area does not exist as a physical place.
It is an area of frequency that was created by archangels to contain the concept of abstract thought.
This phrase might seem to be rather meaningless because what we just wrote was, itself, abstract.
Any area that contains physical ideas, concepts or whatever is easy to describe. For instance, if there was a storehouse in the 4th that contained the archetype of every animal or plant to be found on Earth, one would expect to visit such an area and see an example of every animal or of every plant.
So, we would expect to see an enormous zoo for the archetypes of animals or an enormous plant nursery for the archetype of every plant. In other words, we would be surrounded by physical objects.
But in this area, there is nothing except a certain frequency which is, of course, invisible.
This implies a sort of area, a circle for example, that contains the frequency we desire to contact.
But it is not quite like that.
We are going to have difficulty in describing this area.
Before we can enter this area, we have to know that it exists. Then we have to be told the frequency in terms of vibration of that area and, finally, we concentrate our thoughts on that frequency and we suddenly find ourselves there. But there is nothing to see!
It is just a feeling that we are in touch with that frequency.
So, when we visit this area not much happens on the surface.
In fact, what is going on is that our higher self, plus certain aspects of our DNA, receives what we might call a ‘download’ of information concerning abstract thoughts.
This may seem ridiculous to us modern humans who are constantly being bombarded with abstract words, phrases, thoughts and concepts. So, we are used to dealing with abstract thoughts.
You may have wondered why, when we started this chapter, we spent such a long time and many pages explaining what abstract thoughts, words and messages have evolved into in our everyday lives, but it is our opinion that there was a time when it was not possible, meaningfully, to describe abstract ideas.
It was only when comprehensive written languages were invented that we were able to include abstract ideas into our everyday language despite many of these abstract concepts having great importance.
We do understand that many people will dismiss this concept as nonsense as, today, we use abstract concepts as an integral part of everyday language.
We do not wish to go back and give even more examples but just imagine how difficult it would be to describe in drawings or hieroglyphs the everyday words as we mentioned.; I, me, we, you or life. Even words like God can only be imagined pictorially as an old man with a beard whereas God is not that at all.
Then other words such as kindness, personality etc., would be virtually impossible to describe pictorially.
So, we are suggesting that this area that deals with abstract words, meanings and concepts could only be truly appreciated when written language was invented.
It was all very well to speak certain abstract ideas but if there was no means of recording those ideas, once spoken they would be lost to history.
We will draw this chapter to a close here.
We do realise that it was not a very satisfactory chapter in terms of our explanations but we wish to stress to you that it is one of the most important areas of the 4th because introducing the concept of abstract words, thoughts, ideas and concepts is one of the basis of civilization, and, in all probability, is the basis of the creation of written languages.
If this abstract landscape did not exist and if man had not been able to tap into it and push himself to create words, both spoken and written, to describe abstract concepts, life as we know it today would be not only greatly different but much poorer, not physically in terms of possessions, but intellectually.
As we rise in ascension, in spirituality, so intellect will play an ever greater role and new words will have to be invented to describe concepts that are new to you and that we try to introduce.
How often do we say that words do not exist to describe certain very important concepts?
We will, collectively, have to invent these new words just as words were invented to describe abstract thoughts long ago.
Life is constantly evolving and language must evolve also.
Without inventing new words to describe recently introduced concepts, progress will stagnate.
So we hope that you can appreciate that this area – the area of abstract thoughts, words and concepts – is essential to the progress of humanity as ascension progresses.
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