You asked us to present to you a negative aspect of the areas in the 4th that influence people both incarnate and in the heavenly realms. This we have done in the last chapter.
Before we continue with a new subject, we would like to explain an apparent contradiction that has occurred between something we mentioned in another book and what we have stated in this book.
In another book about personalities, we mentioned that there were other galaxies, each with their own God, that gave us the possibility of accepting, or not, these personality aspects into our personalities.
So, each of us will examine all these personality aspects and incorporate some of them into us and some we will reject.
What we accept or what we reject become an integral part of our personality, and makes us, basically, who we are.
However, it was noted that in this book we have stated that there are areas in the 4th that also have personality concepts that we are free to accept or reject into our personalities, and this has, quite rightly, raised some confusion.
We would like, if we may, to take a few moments to describe the difference between the aspects in the various galaxies and the aspects in the 4th that we are currently describing.
First, let us say that the personality aspects in the various galaxies are there, under the guidance of their own God, to enable us to develop personalities.
These personality aspects are fairly pure, almost abstract concepts and we are free to accept or reject them and they will create our personalities in a fairly pure, natural and undiluted form.
These aspects form our basic personalities.
However, the aspects that we are describing in this book could be considered to be sub-aspects of personality, and if we accept them, they are added onto our basic personalities that we accepted from the galaxy planes.
So, to repeat and expand.
When we are quite undeveloped in the 4th – we could almost say childlike – we are gradually introduced into all the personality types that these various personality galaxies present to us.
They tend to be basic, pure personality trends, and we are drawn towards accepting some of them and rejecting others.
But they are basic, pure aspects of personality.
So, we start out with a certain type of personality which was found in the various galaxies that we described in the book on personalities.
However, as we have spent this new book describing, there are other versions, other aspects of personality, in the 4th that tend to influence us as and when we consider the basic, pure personality aspects we selected when we visited the various galaxies concerned with personality.
So, what we are suggesting to you is that there are a large number of galaxies, each one containing an aspect of personality in pure form. These aspects of personality you will be familiar with: love, hate, fear, bravery, harmony and disharmony and on and on into mathematics, science, etc. Every type of personality is contained in pure form and you may select or reject any of these. But we wish you to understand that they are in pure form.
But, in the 4th, there are similar personality aspects but they are present in a slightly different manner. Some of these are positive and some are more negative.
Indeed, some, like the one we described in the last chapter that we entitled ‘adultery’, we consider to be almost evil.
Equally, of course, there are other areas that are very holy.
But the thing is that we have, first and foremost, these personality aspects in pure form without any variations added to the personality concepts.
While we are in this state, we are fairly unthinking people, not really individuals, as large numbers of people will have incorporated into their personality space – if we may thus put it – identical personality aspects taken directly from the personality galaxies.
If we start to question any aspect of personality, we automatically send a signal to an area in the 4th that contains information related to that personality aspect.
Then, this place in the 4th sends back information which is not identical to the pure aspect we obtained in the galaxy on any aspect of a particular personality trend – whatever it might be.
So, this area in the 4th sends us a somewhat expanded version of the same personality aspect.
It awakens us to the fact that there is more to any personality aspect then just the pure thought.
For instance, imagine that we have incorporated into our personality the pure aspect of love. This is all that the galaxy will provide us with, the pure feeling of love.
But, if we reach out into the 4th and make contact with the aspect or plane of love contained in the 4th, this will provide us with a large number of variations to the feeling of love. Not just a pure emotion of love but all the possible variants to love that exist. Love as in a human relationship. Love for a hobby or work situation. Love for pet animals. Love of nature and on and on.
None of this was contained in the pure notion of love. It is the plane in the 4th that can provide us with all the types of love that can exist. Variants to the pure aspect of love.
The same applies to all the types of emotions that we accepted during our visits to the galaxies of personality.
The areas in the 4th help expand our concepts, knowledge, ideas and thoughts about any subject.
All this enables us to have a greater understanding of the pure personality types.
We hope that you have understood this. It is fairly easy to understand.
We will just recapitulate.
The galaxy areas give us a choice of personalities in pure form but the planes in the 4th give us the fine details about any personality aspect.
Some of these ideas might seem positive and some negative but the planes in the 4th give us an expanded concept of any pure personality that we have incorporated into our global personality space.
The areas in the 4th fill in the blanks, so to speak, and allow us to understand more fully what any pure personality aspect might contain.
The 4th permits us to have greater understanding and this is a very important area.
Having just the pure concept of something is all well and good but it is important for us to be aware of all the fine details of the aspect under consideration.
Having dealt, we hope, with that explanation of the difference between the pure aspect of any personality as given to us in the galaxy planes, and the greater explanations given to us from the 4th when we ask, let us move on to the next subject.
As we mentioned earlier, you asked us to mention the more negative, dramatic and gory planes that exist in the 4th and so we will describe one of the most horrible, after the adultery plane. We will talk about crime and punishment.
We warn you that some of what we will say will be quite horrible because we are going to use a member of the Great White Brotherhood who fell foul of the law long ago and how he was dealt with.
But first, let’s just say why there is such a thing as crime and punishment. There have always been people who have committed crimes of various sorts.
We are sure that you do not need us to describe crimes because newspapers and TV journals describe, virtually every day, the various crimes that people commit.
However, not all crimes are detected, or should we say that not all crimes are detected or are reported.
There is a difference in the meaning of the word crime.
The vast majority involve theft of one sort or another.
These crimes happen because some people feel that they lack money, so they either steal money or they steal items that they hope to sell to get money.
Then there are those who commit murder. The reasons that one person kills another are many and varied and we find this deeply regrettable that a person takes the life of another, whatever the reason.
Most of the crimes we have mentioned are noted and the culprit may or may not be discovered and dealt with in one way or another.
But, in our view, the most serious crimes that can be committed are those perpetrated by rich and powerful people who think it normal to rob the poor to make them richer.
These sorts of crimes often go undetected or, indeed, may not be considered crimes at all, because the rich and powerful tend to be also the lawmakers, so they create laws that protect themselves, whilst punishing those who protest against such injustice.
Naturally, once an incarnation finished, any person who grew rich on the backs of the poor has to pay the price by a visit to the appropriate region of hell.
But the question is why we are addressing the subject of crime and punishment and why it is appropriate to include such a topic in this chapter, and in this book, which deals with areas in the 4th and how they relate to us via our auras?
Believe it or not, there is an area in the 4th that contains the topic of crime and another that deals with punishment.
Although they are two separate areas, and we will examine both these areas separately, actually they are connected because crime is an offence that creates what one might call Karma and punishment is a crime also because no one has the right to judge another.
Thus crime creates, in the after life, the fact that one judges oneself and is suitably punished by a period in hell, if appropriate, but punishment is also similarly judged by oneself as a crime because to judge another – which is what courts do – is also a crime.
So, the concept of crime and punishment, which exists on the incarnation plane, is really two faces of the same coin.
Both are crimes and are suitably judged by the individual once his incarnation is finished.
There are many judges and law enforcement people who consider it normal to judge the crimes committed by a third party, but Jesus made it quite clear that we were not empowered to judge another.
We don’t know if you have understood this so we will explain again in different words.
(1) No one should commit any crime because if one had faith that God would provide and, equally, we are all actually one person and that person is God, there should be no meaning of crime because, if we steal, we are stealing from ourselves and stealing from God.
If people understood this and had the faith that God will provide, there would be no crime. We are stealing from or harming ourselves.
Even those who harm animals are harming themselves, because animals are also God in the form of animals, and as we are God and as animals are God, when we harm an animal, we are harming ourselves.
(2) Punishment is dangerous, because if someone judges another, that person, who is God, is judging another aspect of God so it is God judging God.
One should never judge someone because, as we are all one, if we judge someone, we are not only judging ourselves but judging God.
Similarly, if we punish someone, we are, in effect, punishing both God and ourselves. This must be a rather stupid thing to do.
If people only realised their connection to each other and their connection to God, there would be no crime and there would be no punishment. Such foolishness will end one day, but for the moment it is forging ahead at great pace – crime and punishment.
As we mentioned, the notion of both crime and punishment come from areas in the 4th that exist to promote these aspects of human behavior.
Let us enter these two areas. Although they are placed in separate areas in the 4th, in effect, they are so similar that they could be considered to be one area.
As we enter them we are filled with a rather horrible emotion.
The desire to commit crime is foreign to many of us in heaven and the desire to punish anyone is equally strange to us. We do not have crime nor punishment in our world. Even the area known as hell is not criminal and there is no actual punishment as such. The hell regions contain people that made serious errors during their incarnations and the people are drawn to areas that correspond to those errors of judgement. So, they find themselves in areas that correspond to how they lived their lives. It is not punishment but a continuation of how they lived but from the aspect of their victims rather than themselves.
For instance, if someone was a criminal, he would find himself in an area where he is the victim of crime.
If he was a judge and spent his professional life handing out punishments, he would find himself in an area where he feels the effects of such punishments.
The object of hell is not negative. It is an educational area where people learn not to commit crimes and not to judge others.
As we said, if people had greater faith that God would provide for all his children, there would be no crime and there would be no judges and thus no punishment. That is why crime and punishment go together.
Both are crimes against God, as we explained earlier.
However, when we enter either the crime or the punishment areas in the 4th, we are filled with a strange, negative emotion.
Crime is a sort of jealousy. A person feels animosity against another, for whatever reason he or she thinks that the other person is separate from the criminal.
We have not said that very clearly so let us say it again.
A person feels that someone has, for example, more money than another and decides to steal that money.
Or it might be possession of works of art; jewelry, paintings, statues or whatever.
Equally, a person might feel that he loves another but that love is not returned and so that switches on a need to take action.
Others feel the need to rape or sexually abuse another. The list is endless.
All this is contained in fairly pure form in the area in the 4th concerned with crime.
When one visits this area, there is not a list of possible crimes from which to choose.
This area promotes this sort of jealousy feeling in its most intense form. It is this jealousy that promotes crime.
In effect, as someone lives and feels that he/she is lacking something – money, love or whatever – he reaches out to the crime area, which responds by sending him the desire to commit crimes to fulfill his desires.
By ‘he’, we are using linguistic convention again. Both men and women commit crimes.
These maybe petty crimes up to world wars. They are all provoked by the feeling of lack or of jealousy.
Petty crimes like stealing are easy to understand but major wars are a little more difficult, but even wars are provoked or started by people who feel the need to conquer another group of people in order to get something. This might be extra land, in which case the winning country will get money and wealth by taxing the loser country, or it might be to get control of resources; oil, coal, minerals, etc.
Slaves were captured by one group capturing another and selling them for profit to landowners, who forced the slaves to work to grow crops, etc., for profit so the slave owner could be richer.
There is always the desire to have more that is behind crime, and that desire is a sort of jealousy.
But now let us look into the punishment area. Once again, it is a strange feeling for us because, as we said, no one has the right to judge another.
Generally speaking, those who rise to the positions of being judges are those who have amassed a certain amount of wealth. This wealth is, of course, obtained from poorer people. So, the only difference between a wealthy judge and a poor thief is that the judge has amassed his wealth through what is considered to be legal methods whereas a thief has attained his bounty through illegal methods.
But, when we enter the judgmental or punishment area, the desire to punish others is very close to jealousy once again, as the judge does not want the person being judged to have what he, the judge, has.
It is not unknown for judges to be guilty of the most horrendous crimes that he, the judge, hopes will never be discovered whilst he is handing out punishments to those caught committing the very same or very similar crimes which he secretly commits.
Indeed, from our readings of the akashic record, the more a judge is involved with indecent or criminal activities, the more eager he seems to be to hand out horrific penalties to those caught doing similar things.
For instance, we would like to quote here the crime that someone was accused of and the punishment handed out. We will also, first, quote what the judge was actually doing at the time he judged a miscreant.
What we are going to describe are the actual, real events as told to us by the people involved.
First, let us say what the judge told us. We will not mention names but we ask you to accept that what we are going to describe are the genuine reports the people involved told us.
So, let us report what a judge was getting up to.
In this case, a judge, who was a highly placed dignitary, many years ago, was not only rich and famous but he had a liking for young, unmarried girls and he would have them captured and taken to his castle where he would rape them.
He had absolute power over the serfs who lived, not only on his vast estate, but on neighboring farms and villages.
He had absolute power of life and death over the serfs, who were virtually slaves and prisoners under his domination. His word was law and anyone who displeased him could be dragged before him and dealt with in any way this judge, who was also lord and master, deemed fit.
A case was brought to his attention.
It involved a man who was accused of raping a neighbor’s daughter.
Now, you must remember that this lord was doing this very crime on an almost daily basis. Of course, no one was able to protest, and the serfs just had to accept that he would rape young, virgin girls without any regard as to the consequences.
If any of the girls in question became pregnant, their futures were marred for life because it was unthinkable, at the time, for a girl to be married if she already had an illegitimate child.
At that time, virginity was a requirement for marriage and so a female with a child born out of wedlock was a prohibitive bar to any marriage.
Further, at that time, the lives of unmarried females was very bleak and the only chance any girl had of living a decent life was to be married. The man was the breadwinner and no one would employ a female with a child born outside of marriage.
Naturally, the lord in question, declined any responsibility for the children he fathered.
So, for a number of girls, rape would act as a bar to marriage, as no decent man could consider marriage to a girl who was not a virgin.
Thus, rape was considered to be a very serious crime.
So, this particular man was brought before this dreadful judge and his supposed crime was revealed.
Of course, it was not a case of really trying to discern if the accused man was innocent or guilty.
As far as the judge was concerned, this was a girl that he could not abuse as she had already lost her virginity. The fact that the girl had consented to the sexual act was not considered.
The girl had lost her virginity, so the judge found the man guilty of rape.
In those days and in the main village square there was often a whipping post. It was there as a permanent reminder to all that any crime, whatever it was, would probably end up with the accused person being tied to the post and whipped in full view, and for the delight, of all the people that lived in that area.
If someone was convicted of a crime, and the sentence was whipping, notices would be posted in various places stating the name of the convicted person, his or her crime and the date and time that the punishment would be inflicted. Thus, all that wanted to see the punishment being inflicted could turn up on the appointed day, and at the appointed time, and witness the act.
In those days, public punishments or executions were regarded as attractive and large numbers of people would turn up to witness the punishment.
The crime would be read out by someone who could read and the number of lashes counted.
We must also say that in certain countries, public punishments are still being inflicted and is seen by the public as a form of entertainment.
It was seen as such at the time we are talking about.
Now, we will relate to you the events as seen and felt by the accused person.
He was accused of rape and was immediately found guilty by the judge we mentioned above who, we remind you, was raping girls on an almost daily basis.
The judge delivered a diatribe saying how dreadful the crime was that the man had been found guilty of.
Then the judge read the sentence that he considered appropriate for the crime of rape.
As we reveal the punishment decreed, we ask you, if you can, to put yourself in the place of this man and imagine that it was going to happen to you.
The judge ordered the following punishment.
1. The person would be locked up in the dungeons of the castle until notice of a punishment could be posted in the various villages, so that all who wanted to witness the punishment could attend.
2. The first punishment was 100 lashes, starting at midday, to be administered by the adult members of the abused girl’s family: father, grown sons, uncles and so on. Each member would administer a few lashes with all their force and take turns to use the whip.
This was considered to be a sort of retribution for the damage inflicted on the girl and also prevent any one person becoming fatigued after a few strokes.
3. The accused person would remain tied to the whipping post until nightfall so that he could be mocked by the villagers. At nightfall, he would be taken to the dungeons again.
4. Then, the next day, at midday, yet another hundred lashes were to be administered exactly as before and the person left tied to the post until nightfall. Then he would be returned to the dungeons of the castle.
5. This was to continue for a week – seven days – and the person left in the dungeons until he had recovered sufficiently for the next stage of his punishment to start.
6. This was to be broken on the wheel.
This punishment consisted of a cart with large wheels being driven into the village square and the accused person being tied to one of the wheels, and his bones systematically broken by someone smashing his bones with a huge hammer. This would continue until the person was dead.
7. He would be buried in unconsecrated ground, which was considered at that time to be a terrible act, because to be buried outside of holy ground and without the blessing of a priest meant that the person had no chance of going to heaven.
8. One of the older brothers would be forced to marry the abused girl to make a ‘decent’ woman of her.
This, obviously, implied one of the accused person’s brothers having to marry a girl he did not know, did not love and was considered to be soiled goods, so to speak. So it was a grave slight on the accused man’s family. The family would become outcasts.
So, this was a terrible infliction on the family.
Now, just put yourself in the position of this prisoner.
He listened to his sentence, realized that he was going to be terribly tortured, finally killed in a most painful manner and would probably never go to heaven. On top of all this, his family would curse him forever for making them outcasts.
There was no possibility of appeal. The sentence was final.
The final thing was that his meager possessions would be given to the aggrieved family as payment for his sins against them.
So, he was taken back to his cell in the basement of the castle to await the day that his punishment would commence.
This person explained to us how it felt waiting day after day with no information as to when his punishment would commence. His guards showed him the whip that would be used and flayed it around to scare him.
Finally, one day, after a long wait, his cell door was flung open, the guards barged in, ripped his shirt off and he was taken to the village square.
A large crowd had assembled to witness the spectacle and they shouted and cheered as he arrived.
The judge and his cohorts were on horseback awaiting the punishment.
The local priest was given the task of reading the crime and the approved punishment, presumably because he could read. Not many serfs could read at that time.
The prisoner was tied to the whipping post and the punishment began. Each member of the girl’s family laid on the lashes as hard as they could and the poor victim said the pain was indescribable. He thought it would never end.
The priest counted the strokes as they were laid on until eventually one hundred was reached.
The poor victim vomited with pain and also his bowels liberated urine and excrement into his trousers.
Once the flogging stopped, the nobles rode away but large numbers of people remained to mock the man still tied to the whipping post.
They threw rotten fruit and vegetables at him and some even put salt on to his wounded back.
At dusk, he was released and returned to his cell where he laid on the floor of his cell gritting his teeth against the pain.
The next day the same process continued and this went on for seven days, effectively giving him seven hundred lashes.
At the end of this process he was more dead than alive and so he was cast into his cell and allowed either to recover or to die from shock.
In his case he survived and, after a few weeks he started to recover.
So, the next stage of his punishment could be inflicted.
Once again, messages were posted stating that this person was going to be broken on the wheel on a certain date
On the prescribed day, he was dragged from his cell, tied to the wheel of a cart in a spread eagle fashion and a guard from the prison appeared with a sort of sledgehammer and, at a signal from the judge, proceeded to smash the bones in his arms and legs and finally his ribs so that he could not breathe and his life expired.
Can any of us imagine what this man went through?
Once he was pronounced dead, his body was flung into a fosse or communal pit but, of course, the real him arrived in our world, his mind and spirit totally traumatized.
He was placed in an artificial coma and put in one of our hospital areas while healers sent rays to help him recover.
Eventually, he recovered, of course, and took his place amongst the heavenly throng.
All those involved with inflicting the torture, when their turn came to return to heaven, were shown the terrible deeds that they inflicted and paid the price in remorse.
This awful judge spent a long time in hell paying for the harm that he caused to countless girls and the harm he caused to be inflicted on the person we described and on countless others.
All that we have described, and worse, was considered to be normal punishment for crimes. Often, there was no fair trial. It was sufficient to be accused to be found guilty and terrible punishments inflicted.
We apologise for explaining this event in such detail, but you asked for us to deal with the gory areas and these two areas, crime and punishment, led to those events.
Today, of course, in most countries, crimes are not punished with such brutality but public whippings still take place in some countries.
As we said, the subject of rape was considered to be a very serious crime for the reasons we explained.
Before we finish this chapter, we would like to explain the real events that led to the false accusations.
In effect, the couple – the girl that proclaimed she was raped and the poor man that was tortured to death – had fallen in love and this led to them having sexual relations.
Such relations before marriage were strictly prohibited and great steps were taken to ensure that a girl was a virgin until her wedding night.
However, it was always possible for the couple to slip away and allow nature to take its course.
Unfortunately, in this case, the girl’s family discovered the lover’s tryst and were horrified that the girl was soiled or damaged goods.
The family insisted that the girl proclaim that she had been raped and a report was transmitted to the judge we mentioned.
The judge, for the reasons that we explained, namely that this was a girl that he could not abuse, proclaimed the terrible sentence we described.
The girl, of course, could not mention the truth, namely that she had had sexual relations with the man she loved, and the man, to protect the honour of the girl, could not state the truth either.
So, events unfolded as we described. The poor girl finished up being married to a man she did not love and that he did not love and had no respect for, so they led an unhappy life together.
This is a very sad story but is just one of countless tales we could recount. But we hope that this one description of what happens when one links to the crime and punishment areas in the 4th will suffice.
Once again, we will end this chapter and move on to a more cheerful area in the 4th.
We do hope that what we have described will give some indication of what can occur if one links to the crime and/or punishment areas and how true justice can become distorted by allowing jealousy to colour our emotions.
So, we urge you never to commit crimes and never to judge another.
Both emotions are, to a certain extent, based on jealousy and that is based on a lack of faith that God will provide.
By having faith that God will provide eradicates the need to commit crimes and thus avoid any need of judgement and punishment.
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