Become A Mage

We should be practicing these gifts of the spirit.
But, learning to operate in the higher dimension and manipulating physicality is very time-consuming.

Fortunately, I learned some of these skills, to a greater or lesser degree many years ago.
I developed the skill of visualization and was good at it. That helped me a lot. I would say that visualization is the main thing to learn. Without that development, one cannot do anything in an esoteric manner. I even got to the point where I could be sitting on a chair and imagining that I was a few yards away looking back at me sitting on the chair. Father Ignatius helped me develop that skill and I can tell you that it is extremely hard to master. But I got to that point. It is thought projection.

However, physical life took over and I became too busy to practice every day. So, gradually, I have lost these skills. That is annoying because I was good at it all and could manipulate so-called reality in a fairly good manner.
It made me a lot more confident because, if someone was trying to create problems for me, I could detect them and create an alternative reality that did not include their created problem(s).
I could block their every move.

I will repeat what the GWB have said.
The secret is, first, meditation and then practicing visualization.
Once those two things are developed, the rest falls into place.
But we need time and energy.

We all have moments in our physical lives that occupy us full-time. When that happens, we must, of course, devote all our attention to physicality.
Once the dust settles, we can go back to development. When we do, you will never regret it. Your life will change beyond recognition.

I hope that you will learn from my mistake. Becoming an expert in all the esoteric skills is the greatest thing anyone can do. Once you can manipulate physicality it will give you total command over it and no one and nothing can harm you.

But sort your physical life out now to allow yourself the time and energy.

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