
Thank you for visiting this page, the links on this page are important enough to have a separate page created in addition to the Lessons page and the web page for the books.

We are in the process of publishing all the GWB lessons – in audio format – to a new GWB YouTube Channel. This new channel is separate from Bob Sanders YouTube Channel and is meant to publish lessons and books from the GWB. Please visit our new YouTube Channel and watch the videos of the below lessons as they are created and published:

The Great White Brotherhood – YouTube

Please click on the link below to go to the information you would like to learn more about:

  1. Who Is God
  2. We Are One With God
  3. Ascension
  4. Burst of Energy – The Event
  5. Astral Projection
  6. How To Pray Properly
  7. Meditation – YouTube Video
  8. Meditation – Discussion & Proper Technique
  9. What Is Reality?
  10. Life Review
  11. Suicide
  12. What’s the best way to combat suicidal ideation?
  13. Why Is Killing Considered To Be Negative – Illusion
  14. Diet
  15. Religions, Ascension & Truth
  16. Global Warming
  17. Tunnel of Light
  18. Difficult Life Plan – Mental Illness
  19. Kundalini
  20. How to remove negative entities – possession
  21. Spirit Guides
  22. Heaven And Hell – Purgatory
  23. Cautions & Preparations for the Student Seeking Spiritual Improvement
  24. The Great White Brotherhood and Website
  25. Who are the Great White Brotherhood?
  26. Faith
  27. Techniques For Rising Above All The Chaos
  28. Clones – Do They Exist
  29. Archons
  30. Visualization Technique
  31. Understanding Of Spirituality
  32. Law of Mutual Attraction
  33. How To Send Love
  34. Sleep Protection
  35. God And Archangels