Contacting Guides

I am extremely concerned with what you are doing, reaching out and trying to contact guides.

I have tried, over and over again, to impress on you all, that you must never, never do this.

You are putting yourself in danger.

If you reach out and ask for a guide to come towards you, this is what is going to happen.
Your guides live in the higher 4th dimension which is a very high frequency place.
For the vast majority of people, who have only been meditating for a relatively short time and, from what I understand, not meditating correctly, will not have developed the power to reach that high level.

So, if you reach out, you will reach into the etheric realm. There are a large number of nasty creatures there.
You are asking for someone to come and make contact with you.

This is an open invitation to allow one of these nasty critters to attach itself to you.

This will be catastrophic.

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