Getting Into The Meditative State

I will just try to tell you what I do.

I just go deep within, as if I am going to sleep.
This is not exactly true but I just let go of everything – the various parts of my body that ask me to scratch, all the thoughts about going shopping or whatever.
I just totally relax and go into this Theta state, where I am sort of almost asleep.

Every time a thought comes at me, I jump out of this Theta state, which is damned annoying, so I push that thought away and go back to this deep relaxation, Theta state.

Eventually, with a bit of luck, another state takes over, where I am no longer aware of anything and am just “there”, wherever there is.

That is all I can say really.

It comes with practice and having the confidence to let totally go.
Normally we are always on the “qui vive”.
I just let go and go deep within, almost as if I am going to sleep. It is not really that but I don’t know how else to describe it. Letting go, as if I no longer exist.

Now, I tend to meditate when I don’t have any obligations.
What I mean is that, when I used to work, I meditated in the evening, when I was totally free and did not have to think about time.
Sometimes my meditation might just take a few minutes and sometimes I might sit for an hour.
I could not do this with one eye on the clock so I meditated in the evenings. I need to have nothing to distract me.

So, I don’t really attempt to do anything. I just relax and let go of anything physical or mental. I don’t try to blank my mind. My mind no longer has any relevance.

I have done this for so long now, that when I do telepathy, I can just switch that Theta state on and speak to whoever is on the other end.
But it is the same. I hear this voice droning on and on but I am in this Theta state. I just scribble down what I hear.
Even if I am having a conversation with someone, I remain in that state. It is difficult to describe. I am speaking to someone and hearing them talking to me, but my mind and body don’t exist.

I can’t be more explicit than that.

Also, you can’t meditate if you want to remain in charge of yourself.
Jesus said that to enter the kingdom of heaven you need to become like a child.
Perhaps he was talking about meditation.

You must let go as if you have no importance. A bit like that state just before you fall asleep.
Totally unaware that you exist.

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