Hi Bob,
I do understand the concept of all is now and all exists now and those who live, are living and will live all exist now. I do understand that as much as I am capable of currently understanding.
My question about the future goes deeper than that and isn’t really related to time.
It is more related to how far the now moment is created.
As the Great White Brotherhood have mentioned, the future, to some degree, is already known, or created. I can’t remember exactly how they have stated it.
Also, when you think about the Remote Viewing experiments predicting future events, it is obvious that some amount of the future is pre-created and the Remote Viewer’s are able to look into the akashic record or someplace and see it before it happens.
This is the discussion that I am most interested in.
This future look that the Remote Viewer’s can do and most times they are accurate and can actually see the so-called future, which may be days or months away. I am not so sure about years away. I don’t think that they are very accurate about that, but they have proven themselves to see events happen in the next month with great accuracy, which makes me wonder how much of the future now moment is created.
In answer to your question about the future.
Many years ago, I was taught to visualize the future. It was all part of the spiritual education that I received long years ago.
What happens is this.
In deep meditation, I could enter the future, step by step.
The easiest way to visualize it is to imagine a map. But it is a map that you can’t see your destination.
You follow a path until you come to a crossroads. You can turn left or right.
So, you must make a decision, one or the other. But both roads lead to different futures.
So, you take one turning. A bit later on, you reach another crossroads. You take one that leads to other crossroads and so on.
Eventually, it all becomes so confusing that you have to stop. It makes no sense to look further.
So, you can start again and follow other paths. Eventually, it becomes just as confusing and you have to stop.
The moral to the story is not to try to trace a future. Let the archangels who know your life plan guide you.
Thank you Bob,
That guidance and knowledge will be very useful. I will keep that lesson in a handy spot for future reference.
Although, I wasn’t really wanting to know how to enter the future, I was more curious about why is it and how much of the future is pre-created that allows the Remote Viewer’s to “see” the possible future, and most times they get it right, usually if it is a near future event.
I was more interested in how much of our future is predetermined and why is it necessary to create some of our future in the akashic record before it becomes the current moment.
I understand from the recent chapters that the play is created in the akashic record for us to experience, but why does some of the future events need to be pre-recorded before they become a moment now, before I have experienced it?
This is from the Great White Brotherhood:
The simple fact of the matter is that time doesn’t exist, only as an illusion connected to fight/flight.
So, whether you live in the past, present or future, everyone is living their “now” moment. Thus, people in the past are living now. We are living now and future people are living now.
The future is rather misunderstood. It is not really in the future, any more than the past is in the past.
It is all a series of now moments, as I explained.
One way of looking at it is not as time in a linear sense, from the past to the present and into the future.
Imagine it as events stacked on top of each other, as in a vertical sense.
So, the past, and – at least the near future – can be explained by stretching, psychically, not into the future, as in walking a path but as climbing a vertical cliff.
These are analogies of course. Everything is done psychically.
Now, as the future already exists as now moments, it is just stored in the akashic record. But here is the thing.
The future is based on the past.
Let me give an example from modern events.
A policeman shoots and kills someone. This provokes riots which result in cars being burned, shops looted, and so on.
Now, that is quite a simple example.
But supposing the policeman never shot the person.
Supposing riots did not take place.
Suppose cars were not burnt.
In that case, immediately after the shooting, or not, of the person, there would have been riots, or not.
But the fact that the shooting takes place, predetermines the first scenario.
However, not all people riot. Not all people burn cars. Only some.
So, as we all create our futures, based on our past actions, if a Remote Viewer looks into the future, he must link with someone, as everyone has a separate file in the akashic record.
Depending on whose file he links with, he either sees a riot or he doesn’t.
Each and every person creates their own future, depending on their reactions to previous now events.
But no one can create the future for very far into the future.
People can only react to now events for a certain distance.
But it is all happening now and can be viewed if one wishes.
The future exists far, far into the future.
If we took you for an example – or anyone else for that matter – your future exists with you in it.
Don’t limit God.
So, you are living now, moment by moment, but as you do so, you reach out and choose a future based on your past and now experiences.
So, if we could go into the future and visualize you in your future bodies, you would be a physical person or persons I should say, living and experiencing several now moments based on the various timelines that you have created by your past actions.
Then, as time advances, or seems to, you will link with one of your future selves – which are you – and you will live that future, until you decide to move on and link with another version of yourself which is also a created you.
From all the versions of you that are leading their lives in the future, those that are not used fade because no one is concentrating on them. One can only follow one path at a time.
So, the truth is, we all create multiple versions of ourselves all stationed on every branch of creation and on into the future.
They are us in the future.
Not separate creations but other versions of us, going endlessly on into the branches of our future.
End message from the GWB.
What I have understood from what the GWB told us is that we have a number of possible paths mapped out as I mentioned in more or less the first message I sent you about me looking into my possible futures.
What I didn’t know was that at every crossroads, we have a version of us standing ready to go down that new road.
It rather reminds me of a relay race, where the baton is passed onto a new version of us. But, instead of us chasing around a track, we are going down new paths.
The choices of future paths we take are decided partly by our life plans, partly by our desires, and partly by circumstances.
This implies, for example, that if you decided to change jobs, a new version of you is living that future!
This, apparently is not the same “you” who left the old job but a new, identical “you”. You noticed no difference, but it is a new “you”.
This may seem strange and alarming but don’t forget, that we all are created, destroyed, and recreated, slightly modified, billions of times a second.
So, the new you, who is writing to me now is virtually identical to the previous you, so you notice no difference and I notice no difference.
But then, you notice no difference about the versions of me that are being recreated billions of times a second.
We are all, in this illusion, singularities living in our imagination bubble.
This being the case, whether one lives in the past, present or future, we are all isolated in our imagination bubbles.
So, where are future people?
They are here now but separate from you because you are isolated in your bubble and they are isolated in their bubble.
Time doesn’t exist so all is now.
But we are all in our bubbles. We are all on slightly different frequencies so future people are here right now, in their bubbles and separated from you by frequencies, which is why you cannot see them.
Why it is like that, I have no idea.
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