Life is basically without any meaning in terms of good or bad. God creates life and lets it unfold as it will.
The Directors Of Life (DOL) direct this singularity as we tell it to without them putting any interpretation into it.
So, I do not think that there are positive and negative DOL’s.
Now, before I go on with this, I would like to mention the dark forces – the illuminati, the cabal.
Through meditation, one can develop the gifts of the spirit. Now, these gifts are neutral, neither good nor bad. They are just spiritual forces that anyone can develop. They can be used for good or for evil.
Although I know very little about these illuminati people, I understand that the very highest echelons, in order to be able to develop the gifts, do a lot of meditation.
Having developed these gifts to a high degree, they use them to manipulate life in a negative fashion, just as good people use the same gifts in a positive manner.
At the same time, they pretend to be part of the Christian group, praying to “God” but, their god is Satan. So, they play a double game, pretending to be good people while, in reality, they are praying for the downfall of humanity.
Equally, they push groups to discourage us from doing meditation because they know that, if we develop the ability to rise to a higher dimension, we can look down at what they are doing and see it for what it is. So, meditation is never taught either in schools nor in church.
It is to keep us in the dark while they do their evil stuff in secret.
So, to go back to the DOL.
There are many parallel dimensions and these DOL are able to work in all these parallel dimensions, creating whatever we tell them to create.
So, we have two basic sorts of creation going on.
In one dimension, we have people striving to create positive individual and collective consciousness and, on the other hand, the evil ones pouring negative energy into the etheric and astral realms to create individual and collective negative thoughts.
These positive and negative thoughts create, via the DOL and the singularity, the world we see which is both positive and negative.
That is the battle but I think that it is WE that create these thoughts which are merely translated into reality by the DOL.
We have heard various ET groups tell us that it is we, collectively, that must change the world.
It is our collective thoughts that will either vanquish the negative ones or not.
So, we must not fail. Too much is at stake.
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