What Is Consciousness?

It is difficult to comprehend what consciousness is… that there is only one but that this one has a vast number of consciousness… and that each one of these has its own God Force… I may be not be stating this correctly but regardless, it is a complicated and complex topic.

The way that one of my guides explained the problem long ago, was to imagine the atoms that go to make up a car.
Each atom is an independent “object”, complete with its God force associated with it, but together goes to make a car.
Where the car goes, the atoms go. But if one had a pair of tweezers small enough, one could pick each individual atom from the car.
So, we have these individual atoms that, collectively, go to make a car.

Additionally, if any one of those atoms was taken from the car, it would no longer be the complete car it once was.
So, each atom is required to make the car complete but each atom is separate in its own right but also one with the car.

If you can image it, this would be our relationship with God or our creator.

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