A Simple Act Of Love

I went shopping and, as I was loading the trunk of my car I saw an old, straggly pigeon wandering about obviously looking for something to eat.

I had just bought a loaf of bread – the sort covered with grains of some sort – with other food.

I broke some pieces off the loaf and fed them to the pigeon who gobbled them down with great relish.

You can’t imagine the pleasure and the love that I experienced with this simple act.

All is one and, as I fed this old bird, I could see that I was feeding myself with spirituality.

With every bit he gobbled down, my heart was bursting with love for him and with all life.

I could feel the love of the flour that created the bread and the love of the grains that nourished the bird.

This simple act filled me with love for all life and with God.

These are important acts.

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