Accepted Wisdom

I understand about the reincarnation problem.

It has been “accepted wisdom” for so long – mainly due to Eastern religions – that most people do not question it.
However, just because people believe it does not make it true.

I can only repeat that my guides have said that we come here just the once. I hope this is true because once is enough for me.

I cannot see why my guides would lie. They never have done up to now.

I think that the reincarnation idea is an Archon concept – if you do not behave yourself in this incarnation, you will reincarnate as a snake or a rat.
In other words, they want people to live in constant fear.

Of course, it must be said that, if our oversoul produces endless versions of us and sends them down here, even though they would be no more related to us than brothers or sisters, it could be considered a version of reincarnation.
But, in no way is it a direct reincarnation of oneself, as most people conceive the concept.

As a last point, I do not think that reincarnation is a direct teaching from Christianity. As I understand, the Christian point of view is that we do our time here and then we either sit on a cloud with God or we burn in hell.

We will find out one day!

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