This was a message from Bob that was received in July of 2019 and seems to have more relevance to 2024 and 2025, as we seem to be closer to the disclosure of aliens and UFO’s\UAP’s.
Message from Bob:
I was listening to something on the internet and I heard some people talking about disclosure of the alien presence.
I asked the Great White Brotherhood about this and here is their reply:
We hesitate to reply because we do know that secrecy concerning aliens cannot be maintained for much longer.
However, the military forces are aware that the demonic aliens would not be welcome here on Earth by their very nature.
They are also aware that the public would have the greatest difficulty in accepting the personality bundles for a number of reasons.
They are negotiating with the Tall Whites (Nordics) but this group are reluctant to take part in any charade.
Obviously, the Reptilians would be unacceptable to the public.
So, the governments have a problem.
If they declare that aliens exist, they will need to show some creatures.
The only creatures they could show would be the grey robots and they are not very convincing.
So, governments understand that they must make revelations soon but do not know what to do.
That is the situation at the moment.
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