Alien Takeover Of Earth

This is something that’s either extremely important or utter rubbish.

The concept is that for many years now, there’s been an alien race – more than one – here interacting with various governments.
They’ve got a secret agenda, these aliens want to create a hybrid race, using our bodies and their minds to take over the earth, let us die out and they will populate the planet Earth.

Now, I know it sounds like pure science fiction, but apparently, it may not be and this is why I’m bringing you this message.
I don’t think anybody has got any actual proof.
I don’t think even the military people that work with these aliens actually know what’s going on. So, all we can do is put what little evidence we’ve got together, and see if it makes sense.

Now, do aliens exist?
Well, if you spent any time on the internet, looking at various videos of flying saucers, and all the rest of it, you see these little lights in the sky, and you see various flying saucers and you don’t know what’s true and what’s been made in Photoshop and all the rest.
Now, the only two people that I can trust is my wife and myself.
Many years ago, we used to have a farm in the foothills of the Pyrenean mountains in the south of France and one evening, my wife was coming home from a theatrical thing she used to do in the local village a few miles away and as she approached our phone, she saw in a slight, a very shallow valley that wasn’t very far from our house, she saw some orange lights and as she sort of turned her vehicle to come into, into our land, she had the headlights pick up a flying saucer. Now she said it was about 150 feet across, sort of 50 yards if you like.

She said it was perfectly still, hovering slightly off the ground, making no noise and she sat and watched it for a few minutes, then she got a bit frightened and she turned down the road that goes towards our house.
Now the flying saucer was on her left and she passed it quite close and as she did, so, it suddenly started to make a faint noise.
It was summertime and she had the window of the vehicle down and she heard this faint noise. The only way she could describe it was that it was a mixture between if you stand by a very busy road where there’s huge lorries going past and you get this deep noise off the engines, but you also get a high pitch noise, maybe from turbos or from the sound of the tires.
So, you get this mixture of a low noise and a high noise.
She said that’s all she could describe it as and it wasn’t very loud, wasn’t pulsating, and it just this noise.
Suddenly she said she saw the flying saucer lift up and turn on its side, and all of a sudden, it was gone and within 30 seconds she was home and she was telling me all about it.

We now live in a big old house that’s not far from the foothills of the Pyrenean mountains, and our front door faces east towards the mountains.
Now, there’s some wooden shutters that I shut in the evening and it was at eight o’clock in the evening, it was a perfectly clear night, the moon was shining extremely brightly, it was almost a full moon.
It was so bright, you couldn’t see any stars and it had a kind of a halo around it. I don’t know if you know what I mean, if you could imagine the moon, and there’s like a halo of almost like mist round, and for some reason, I just stood for a few seconds and looked at the moon and to my amazement, coming from the north, going south towards the mountain came a flying saucer.
I can only describe it as like a pie dish shape, it had a certain thickness to it was flat underneath at a certain thickness to it, and maybe a little dome on top.
It was gunmetal gray, perfectly non-reflective and it was going along a bit on its side and hopping or jumping along the sky from point to point.

I could see it so clearly because if you could imagine the moon and the halo around it, this flying saucer must have been quite low because it was looked about the size of the moon.
Obviously, it wasn’t that large, it was a visual effect and as I mentioned, it was doing this strange little hopping thing.
So, it took about maybe 15 seconds to go through the halo, the light of the moon and through the halo one the other side. And all the time I could see it perfectly clearly.
As soon as it went into the blackness on the other side, it totally disappeared. I couldn’t see it at all. It was like it wasn’t there. But I saw it so I know that flying saucers exist

Now, I don’t know if this one was an American made one or whether it was a true alien one. One thing is sure and certain, it wasn’t our technology.
This wasn’t a Boeing 747, it was a flying saucer and it’s alien technology so obviously, aliens must be here.
That’s my conclusion.
Now, the thing is, if they’re here, what are they coming for? If they made all the effort to come to us, they want something.
Now, experience tells me, that when people make the effort to go from one place to another, they want something and it’s usually not to the advantage of the people that they’re invading.
Just for one example, when the Spanish invaded America, they didn’t go all that way, halfway around the world to bring them some Spanish onions and a bottle of sangria. They went there to steal all the gold from the Incas and to enslave the people and to do horrible things.
And history tells us what they did and it was disgusting but that’s what happens. Now, these aliens are coming for a reason.
It’s up to us to try and find out what that reason is.

So, now I’m going to talk about animal and human mutilations.

If you’ve looked on internet, you will see that there are countless videos where you see cows and horses and sheep and actually, unfortunately, human beings, terribly, terribly mutilated.
All their blood is gone or they’ve cut lumps off their face, they dig out eyes, they carve out ears, they carve out rectums and take the sexual organs and there’s some evidence that this is done, while the animals or humans are alive and conscious.
Can you imagine that?
Can you imagine what manner of creatures would do such a thing?
And this has been going on for a long time.
So, somebody is here taking genetic material from animals and humans.
What do they want it for?

Next one, we’re going to look at is abductions, human abductions and also animal abductions. People have seen, well, people report that they’ve been taken into flying saucers or into bases somewhere and they have horrific experiments done on them, genetic materials taken and there’s all this thing about hybrid children.
And there’s been some sightings of cows and so on being picked up off the ground and disappear into the sky.

They were abducting people and animals for some reason.

Certainly, there are human abductions and there are underground bases, such as area 51. Apparently, and people that have worked in those areas talk about a place called Nightmare Hall, where the most horrific things are going on. I won’t go into details. But once again, if these aliens are doing this sort of thing, I don’t think they’re very spiritual beings. I can’t imagine anybody of a spiritual nature, doing such terrible, terrible things to people and animals. But that’s just my point of view.

Now, there’s another aspect to it to this, that these aliens are able to work in the etheric and astral realms a bit and they influence people, they influence world leaders, politicians, church leaders, and so on to implement their agenda, which they call it Agenda 21 and the New World Order, apparently, the people that are present the politicians and so on, that are presenting this information, I think it’s coming from them, but it’s actually coming from these alien people that want this sort of Hive mentality installed here on Earth.

Now, there’s another aspect to it in the astral and etheric realms, that apparently, they’ve got a kind of an artificial intelligence machine going on.
And some channelers, I would say, when they reach out into the etheric and astral realms, they receive a message and they think it’s coming from some high Angel and it’s actually coming from a machine that’s just given them garbage. So, I’m not going to criticize these people, that’s not my place.
All I will say is if you follow some of these channels, listen carefully to the information and see if it has that ring of very high angelic intelligence to it or whether it’s just garbage. And another little clue that you’ve got is the name of the angelic being given the information.

When you start to get into these angels, I don’t know you start off with Jesus Christ, and you go higher and higher and higher. And I even saw one where somebody was channeling Prime Creator, the force that created everything this person claimed to be channeling.

Maybe he or she wasn’t, I can’t imagine it myself.
Then we need to use our intelligence to cut through the garbage and find out what’s true and what’s not.

Now, let’s go back to these alien creatures.
They take the form of little greys you’re probably familiar with them and they’re just robots, because they found dead bodies from time to time with ufo’s crashing and they’ve noticed that when they do an autopsy on them, they’ve got vegetable matter in them.
They’re not sort of physical in the sense we are, and they’re clearly little robots.

I think these taller grays are just another form of robot. I think that the praying mantis type people are just another form of robots, because behind them is another force that you almost never see.

One person did manage to see, there was a gentleman that worked for NATO, and a flying saucer crashed somewhere in England and he was sent out, he worked for a team that was charged with going out and securing the sights of these flying saucers and waiting for Americans to come and he said, while he was stood there, he looked in the window of a flying saucer, he said there were a number of beings. But amongst them, the people that looked in charge, he said, you could only describe them as being demons from hell and he said they, they were so strong, so powerful, he said they could rip you from limb to limb.
Those were his very words.
Now, I’m not one of these Southern Baptist Bible people at all. I’m very feet on the ground, I believe in God. But I don’t believe in religions very much but I think there is a place called, it’s not hell, it’s another area altogether, I think these creatures are possibly coming from what we call the lower fourth dimension and the higher fourth dimension is under the control of angels.

The lower fourth dimension is somewhere altogether different and I’ve got a feeling that some of these ideas, at least, are coming from there and they’re what we call demons Archons.

On unknown genes, I think that’s what they are but now apparently, these demonic people can’t actually live on the surface of earth here, they can stay in their spaceships where they got a specially modified environment, they can live in these deep underground bases, or just deep underground somewhere, if necessary, they can live in spaceships underwater, they can survive there, but they can’t actually live on the surface.
That’s why when a flying saucer comes down, and they want to abduct somebody, they send out these little grade robots to get the people in, because they can’t go out for themselves. Now, apparently, their aim is to create a hybrid race of beings capable with physical bodies, but with their minds, so that they can be here on planet Earth.

Their intention is to gradually to get rid of us all, I don’t think they’re going to kill us off, they’re just going to wait for us to die of old age, probably by that time, they will have put in place some system that we can no longer breed ourselves, sterilization, through food and water and stuff, injections and all the rest of it.
So, we can no longer reproduce ourselves and they’re going to gradually replace us with these hybrids.

Now they’ve got one major problem, they have no notion of where the Spirit of God part, what I call the God particle is, they don’t apparently have that.
I find it strange that they can be alive and not have this God particle in them because that’s what makes us alive. But apparently, they are alive, but they haven’t got that. And they never will get that because that Spirit of God that we’ve got in us, comes from God Himself. And only God can give that and thank goodness for that because they have never achieved success.
They can create sort of robot creatures, but they won’t ever create a fully fledged humanoid with the Spirit of God inside it with their mind all the time, they can’t get hold of the Spirit of God and that they won’t do so.
Very grateful for that.

How can we oppose these creatures?
The only way I know is through rising above their level spiritually. They’re not very spiritual. They’re the opposite of spiritual in my opinion, but they’re not stupid.

If, and they’ve got a lot of power, they’re controlling the astral and etheric realms to a great extent, the only way that I know to get above them is by doing meditation, and contacting our higher self, which is part of God. It’s actually God, it’s himself within us and we can contact that higher self, and allow that higher self to become part of our reality and then I think you’ll find that these creatures can’t touch us.

And I’ve been, for some time now, suggesting to people if they would, that they meditate, because it’s the only way that I can think of that we can beat them.

Whether that points to the fact that they are trying to create hybrids, I’m sure that they are actually are, and people have seen them in the flying saucers, there must be some reason why they’re creating these hybrids. And we’ve actually been told that they intend to take over the planet Earth, we got to do something about it.
If you feel like learning to meditate, I’ve put a few things online. Be careful with meditation, because it’s not something to mess around with.

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