Aliens | Religion | Reptilians | Back From The Future

I asked the Great White Brotherhood about this recent meeting between religious leaders and the Tall Whites (Nordics).

Apparently, it happened but it was largely a waste of time.

Many of the church leaders refused to admit that the Tall Whites were ET’s, as they were presented and thought that they were just humans like you and me, except very Scandinavian looking.  The Tall Whites did not mention that they were, in fact, from under the Earth, and so the leaders just scoffed at them.
Also, the church leaders refused to release their strangle hold over their flocks.

To quote the GWB:

“This was to be expected and demonstrates how little matters have changed since Valiant Thor attempted the same thing a number of years ago.  This meeting was not made public and even the reporters who found out about it ignored it.”

Now, regarding the possible split in the timeline that could give the Reptilians power, the GWB said that we are moving inexorably into positivity and nothing can stop it.  The evil ones can only delay it a bit.

Lastly, this story about aliens coming back millions of years from the future to change the past is not true.
The past is protected and, if anyone comes back from the future, they can only see a copy of the past so they cannot change the future.

All frames of reality are protected from manipulation.