Alive But Not Conscious

I learned something new from the example of the female getting pregnant and then the life force being added to make the fetus alive.
I didn’t have that knowledge before and I just thought that it was the female that was animating the fetus and that it wasn’t really alive until it was born and the spirit was attached to it, but now I can clearly understand that there is a difference between the life force and the animating spirit, so, thank you for helping me understand that better.

Thinking about a fetus, I suppose that because it is alive from the moment that it is fertilized, as it grows in the womb it kicks, or so women say.
Then, of course, at the moment of birth, the animating spirit links up with the baby, and life as we know it kicks off.
But the strange thing is that the Great White Brotherhood has always referred to our physical body as a puppet animated by the true us.
Now if, from the moment of conception, the fetus is alive, how can it just be a puppet animated by the true us?
Perhaps both bits need to be alive somewhat. The fetus needs to be alive and then the actual baby needs to be animated by the true us.
Perhaps also, at the moment of death, the life spirit leaves the puppet part of us.

It showed me that there is a difference between the God force and the consciousness that is the animating spirit.
If I understood properly from the chapter.
I honestly thought that they were the same thing.

The GWB mentioned the difference between the physical body and the spiritual body.
It seems that the physical body can, and is, alive but not conscious in the sense that we would understand.
The non-physical body is.
So, it is the non-physical body that animates the physical body.

However, it is more complicated than that, in that we have the 5 senses: smell, touch, etc.
From what I understood, when we feel pain and so on, it is not actually the physical body that feels the pain and so on, it is our non-physical body that feels, via the silver cord and that sends the sensation back down the cord so that our physical body reacts and seems to feel the pain.

So, we bang our head against a tree. The silver cord sends the sensation up to our non-physical body that analyzes it and sends the relevant information back down the cord and we rub our head.

I think that it is even more complicated than that, in that auras and chakra points are also involved.

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