Alter The Program

Now, these single frames of reality are being created billions of times a second, from the moment of your birth and will go on until your incarnation finishes, and maybe for all eternity, as far as I know.
But it is billions of times a second. What do we call that, ” gigahertz”?

But here is the thing. As time doesn’t exist, they are not actually being created in a long line of time.
The first frame is created, then it is destroyed – actually placed in a memory bank – then the next frame takes its place, then it is destroyed and it goes off to the memory bank. Then the third frame takes its place and so on, at Gigahertz speed.
So, there is only ever one frame in existence at any moment.

But, because time doesn’t exist, all the other previous and future frames are also hanging around. This is difficult to understand that only one frame is on our monitor screen that we call reality but all the other frames can be accessed.

Imagine it like this.
If we watch a video on YouTube, we see a picture on a screen, but, at the bottom of the screen is a line which marks the progress of the video.
So, with our mouse, we can click on that line and move anywhere we want on the video.
The computer is only putting one frame at a time on the screen, but we are not limited to have to wait as the film progresses. We can click on the progress line and access any part of the film we want.
But, in real life, which is exactly like that, we can only do that if we have developed the power to manipulate “reality” through developing our spiritual powers.
Then, instead of being part of the video film unfolding, like an actor in the film, we can, from a higher perspective, manipulate the film by clicking on the timeline with a virtual mouse, if you see what I mean.
So, we will be two people in one.
Our physical body acting in the film but our higher self able to click on the line and move backwards or forwards, watching the film.
Further, as I mentioned in a previous message, we can introduce new scenes into the video – parallel realities, but all this comes from being able to rise to a higher level through meditation and so on.

The difference is that when we watch a video, we see it as a linear progression. The timeline starts at the left of the screen and goes on to the right.
However, in the computer, it is not like that. It is a mass of zero’s and one’s just sat in a program and the program tells the zero’ and one’s in what order to appear on our screen.
But in the computer, they are not stored on a long piece of film. They are just information placed in a memory.

When you can see that life is like that, you can start to imagine how you can alter the program to do what you want it to do.

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