Alternative Realities | Time Travel

As our present seems like the now moment, how can someone 100 years in the future link with you in the past if there is only the now moment?
I guess my argument would be that the person that lived in the past – 100 years ago – no longer lives in that past and lives only in the present – now.
So, they should not look at you as living in the future, because they would be, I assume, living in, for example, Summerland and looking at you on Earth and you and the person would both be in the present now moment.

I have finally been able to understand the statement that “everyone that has ever lived, is living and will live are all living now” The last part of course was the bit that I could not wrap my head around, but I think it was the last book that finally solidified it for me.
The Great White Brotherhood made me finally understand that all the humans that would ever be, were all made at the same time – oh so long ago in that kindergarten sphere.
That is why that statement makes so much sense now, it is all a play on words and our perception of what is and is not.
They already exist, all was created at once, had to be for all to exist.
So, I can tuck that one away, finally understand.

But, saying that someone already exists 100 years in the future and looks back at us in the present as that person’s history is breaking my poor little noodle.
Again, I think that it is just a play on words that is not allowing me to make the connection in my mind.

I already know that the future can be viewed, the Remote Viewer’s do it all the time, but where is this future?

Is it already being played out in the astral realms and then solidifying into our 3D reality as the timeline is created?

I would really love to get a handle on this future and past stuff as I think that would be the a-ha moment that would clear the fog on so many other things.

The GWB said that alternative realities were completely independent systems created as backups in case one or more systems failed.

But the GWB also said that time travel could only be done by linking to the mind of someone in the past or the future and seeing life through their eyes, so to speak.

Now, time travel is interesting.

People think that the future cannot exist because it has not yet happened.
But, look at it this way.
If I link with someone, say, 100 years in the past and look at life through his eyes.
I already exist 100 years in that person’s future, or I could not link back to the past.
So, if someone in the past linked to someone living today, we would be in the future for that person.

So, effectively, the future must exist.

If I link with someone 100 years in our future, that person could link with me, now, and look 100 years into the past through my eyes.
So, I could see his life in his future and he could see my life in his past.

Perhaps that is why they say that there is only the “now” moment.

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