Hi Bob,
I know that we all don’t say it enough, because we are all busy trying to figure things out and once we get a bit of information from you, we toil and ponder what it means, then come back to you again with more questions, like you are just some kind of slot machine and we just keep putting in our token and pulling the handle looking for the jackpot to ring out that we have won.
I just want to take a moment and truly thank you for taking the time to seek out answers to our questions from the Great White Brotherhood.
All of your hard work and effort you have put in all of these years will surely not go unnoticed, and I do hope that you are well rewarded when this gig is up and you are back home.
You truly deserve it my friend and I hope that you know that we always are thankful for your service, even if we forget to say so.
Don’t worry about it.
It is something that I don’t think about.
Someone asks me a question and I try to get the answer. I do it automatically.
To be honest, I learn from the questions and the answers just as much as you do, so it is for me that I do it as well as for you.
But thanks for mentioning it, I appreciate it.
I mulled over what you said, and it is amazing.
I have been doing this telepathy for so long now that it is an integral part of my life and so I consider it normal.
But when I think about it, it is amazing that you can ask me a question, a question that I have no answer to and so I sit and relax and, suddenly, someone is dictating an answer.
The answer cannot be coming from me because, as I write the answer, so I am saying, ‘Woah, I never knew that!’
As we now know, it is coming from the GWB, but to the average person, if he could sit next to me and see the process, would think it almost magical – assuming that he believed what was happening.
Also, I find it amazing that most people who follow our channel, also accept that the answers are coming from some supernatural source. They, too, accept that I am in touch with very knowledgeable beings “somewhere”.
We are so lucky that, out of the blue, I was chosen to do this.
It is an amazing gift that has been given.
To download this message, please click on the following link:
PDF - An Amazing Gift – Bob Sanders