As far as I’m aware, I’ve been told by my guide there’s two sorts of Archangels.
There are the ones who are called the engineers of life, they’re just below God and they work directly for this God force and their job is to take spirits of life that have been created by God, put a stamp on them, the logos that tells these spirits of God what their function is going to be, and to place them around the galaxy, on planet Earth, and other places, wherever they’re needed.
These archangelic beings, their job is to, as I said, take the spirits of God and they can turn them into stone, water, plants, animals, humans, whatever is needed anywhere in the galaxy, or, in this case on planet Earth.
So, let’s limit ourselves to planet earth.
Now, according, once again, from my guides, they cannot be imagined by man, they don’t resemble man in any way, shape or form.
These are not white beings with great wings and things like that, they’re some force that we can’t imagine and their sole function is to keep the whole of life in balance.
They don’t create life, God creates life.
They not only push life backwards and forwards but whilst that life is here here, just on planet Earth, take a plant for instance, or an insect or an animal or us humans, they’re constantly monitoring the genetics of the system and as the planet Earth changes vary slightly all the time so they’re constantly changing the DNA, of all these things, in the hopes of keeping them all alive and all well and fitting in with the planet Earth as the planet Earth changes.
Okay, so these are strange creatures to our eyes, but they’re very, very necessary and without these beings, life would not exist at all.
They’re essential to the continuation of life.
The second type of archangel concerns us, because believe it or not, it is your destiny, one day, to become an archangel
Now we were tiny Spirits of God at one stage and these archangelic beings that I mentioned earlier, decided out of the blue, they just took randomly, these particles of God, gave it a stamp that told it that you were going to be a human being and I was going to be a human being and from then on, we’re human beings and we will stay for all eternity human beings.
Don’t believe this story of karma, where you could be turned into a snake or a rat.
You’re a human being and will always be a human being.
Now, from that point, and we’re still up in heaven, our home is in heaven, from that point on, we divide into two a little bit.
There are people like us, that automatically sense that they’re not perfect in the way that we ultimately need to be so we need to have some experience of hot and cold, pleasure and pain and all the various other things that can happen in order to reject what we don’t want and keep what we do want in order to become more perfect.
When we’re up in heaven, we are in a way perfect but without experience and experience is vital to the continuation of human life because otherwise, if none of the spirits had experience, we’d all be like little newborn babes and it will all be a bit pointless.
Experience is what keeps the whole thing going.
Now, those ones that decide that they need a certain experience incarnate here on Earth and we go through this life, suffering quite a lot, with pleasure and pain and all the rest of it, until finally, we die and we go back to heaven.
From there, we advance in the spiritual planes.
Now, in the meantime, there’s another group of humans that didn’t need to go through that, they were more naturally sort of perfect and so they stay in heaven to learn and advance and because they’ve got a step up on us, because they’re naturally more spiritually minded than we are, their destiny is to go through all the different levels of the astral world, in the heavenly spheres.
While they’re there, they’re busy serving, they’re busy helping, they’re busy pouring energy down into us and then eventually, they get to the point where they are considered perfect and they become what we call archangels.
Now, their job is not finished at that point by any means.
It just means that they’re much more powerful beings than when they started because they’ve developed, they’ve had experiences in the spiritual realms and developed a vast amount of spirituality and they can use that to pour down to us, if you could imagine the amount of energy that’s being poured down to us every minute of every day, from the heavenly spheres is just amazing.
Then the ultimate destiny, when they’ve gone through that experience, is to merge with the God spheres and they kind of disappear at that point and nobody can keep track of them.
Now, your destiny is exactly the same.
You’re going through this incarnation, as am I and once it’s finished, we go into the heavenly spheres and from there, we develop much as the the more perfect people were and we all, ultimately, a long, long way in the future, will become human archangels, when we’ve perfected the path towards God.
We will stay as archangels just as those other more perfect beings did and will pour energy down, even long before you become an archangel, you’ll be working to pour energy down and acting as guides for people and things like that.
Then, when you get to the part of where you’re an archangel, then you’ll be a really powerful being and you’ll really be pouring a lot of energy down here.
Then ultimately, one day, you’ll outgrow that experience, and you’ll merge with the Godhead but that will be zillions and zillions of years into the future.
So don’t think you’re going to disappear tomorrow because you’re not.
Now, I will just mention something that may upset some people and it’s about having archangelic guides.
I’m going to use an analogy, imagine if you lived in America, you picked up a phone and you phoned the White House and you said, can I speak to the president please?
They would almost certainly say to you no, you can speak to an undersecretary, somebody much lower down the chain of command than the President but you wouldn’t be able to speak to the president unless you yourself were part of that sort of higher hierarchy that surround the president.
It would be the same if you lived in England and you wanted to phone the prime minister or the queen, it is not easy.
Now the reason why I’m saying that is that some people say that they do have guides that are the Archangel Michael and Jesus, whatever and the problem with that is that these beings are so far remote from us, in terms of spirituality, that direct communication with an archangel would be very, very, very difficult indeed.
It’s not that they wouldn’t want to speak to us but the difference in level is so great that should imagine if they did try and speak to us, we’d be overpowered with their power, we might even kill us, I don’t know.
I’m not saying that they don’t help us but what they will do is send the message down through a chain of command to somebody in the spirit world who’s not far remote from people like us, then communication can take place much more easily.
I’m not sure that they would do it in the name of St. Michael or St. Joseph, I’m not sure that they would do that.
I very, very much doubt if you could directly talk to an archangel.
Now, there’s nothing wrong with praying, really and truly you should pray to God but if you want to pray to Jesus or an archangel or whatever, there’s nothing wrong with that but it’s quite possible that someone will pick up your prayer and pass it up through the chain of command to that person.
I don’t think that you can have a direct contact with an archangel, as far as I’m aware.
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