I seem to remember that one of the founders of the Theosophy movement, Madame Blavatsky, had some connection with the Nazis – or so it was reported.
We must remember that Hitler was very interested in spirituality and, perhaps, he contacted Mme Blavatsky and asked to be taught by her. I don’t know for sure, but it would not surprise me if that is what happened. As the GWB were linked with the Theosophy movement at its outset, so the Nazi idea was linked to the GWB.
The problem is that both the Theosophical movement and the GWB are dedicated to helping those who ask. They don’t judge the motives of people. If they are asked to help someone, they will.
Thus, it is highly possible that Hitler was taught exactly as you and I are being taught.
That is the problem of not judging. We cannot know to what use our help will be put.
Spirituality is just one power. So, both the so-called black and white magicians use exactly the same development. It is the use that they put that power to that makes all the difference.
White magicians, use that power to help people and black magicians use that same power to harm people.
This seems terrible but is so.
Once again, we see this in the Harry Potter books.
The teachers taught different skills and the students either put that knowledge to use positively or negatively. Thus, we have Harry Potter and we have Lord Voldemort, all taught by the same teachers.
One positive and one negative.
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