Ascension & Weather Patterns

Hi Bob,

I understand from the Great White Brotherhood that, due to Ascension, the Earth and the universe will be warming over time.
However, will there be a cold period first?

There are a lot of people, and some of them quite smart and some who are very well connected are stating that we are going into a cold period before we warm up.

What do you think or know about this?

I spoke with the Great White Brotherhood, and they said that, unfortunately, in the short term, in Northern places, the effect of the planet warming up will cause changes in the weather patterns causing more rain lower down and, thus, more snow the more north one lives.

However, as the planet warms up, this will change again and there will be less and less snow.
It may fall as rain, but that is better than snow.

The Northern places will become warm in winter.

So, it looks like a mixture of good and bad news.

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