Become The Astral Being You Really Are

If we go back to the days before we knew any of this, we would not have believed any of it.

Certainly I, and I can only speak for myself, have learned so much.

I thought that incarnation was real.
I thought that planet Earth was a real, solid place.
But it turns out that the 6th dimension, where we are, is just another dimension and that we are all just pretending to be physical beings.

How much more there is to learn, I have no idea but it boggles my mind with every new fact I learn about reality – or rather, non-reality.

It would be great if we could learn to live partly in our world and partly in the actual world as Jesus did.
To be able to disparate and do all the Harry Potter things, would be wonderful.

Jesus, apparently, could do all this and we could also if we applied ourselves.
This is possible because we live in an astral world like it is if we enter the etheric realms and can move by thought, pass through solid walls, etc.
It is only the fact that we have been brainwashed to think all this is real that stops us.

I would love to be able to break out of this brainwashing and become the astral being I really am.

One day, perhaps!

It’s criminal that we are not taught this, but instead the truth has been hidden.
The Great White Brotherhood are doing what they can, as are others I would imagine.

I know that I should be doing more, but life and circumstances don’t make it easy.
Some I am sure is by design to keep us distracted and busy to make sure we have to pay our bills and taxes and mortgages and so on.
Keeping us as busy as possible so that we don’t have time to learn and train.

But, ultimately, it is all just excuses because if it was important enough to us, we would pursue it like nothing else mattered.

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