I will give you an example of using the invisibility technique.
If I am waiting to be served in a shop and the people ignore me, I just let others pass in front of me because, after all, I am retired and I have plenty of time, but I use that invisibility to avoid meeting people that I don’t like that might be in the same shop as me but that I don’t want to see.
However, when I am driving, before I leave home, I always ask God to see me safely there and back again.
I believe it has helped me avoid many dangerous situations.
For instance, I never try to hasten my wife to get ready to go out shopping. I am aware that there is a greater force that is timing our departure.
Equally, sometimes, either one of us will feel that we should not leave the house. In which case we do not. Invariably something happens that, had we gone out, we would have missed something important.
Someone might visit with important news for us.
Or something goes wrong in the house which would have caused a flood or a fire.
So, we always follow that small voice that tells us what to do.
That has nothing to do with being invisible, of course, but is another aspect of following the spiritual path.
Certainly, invisibility is quite useful and I use it often.
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