In order for someone to accept and believe something, a kind of virtual pigeonhole has to be constructed in the mind to put that information in. Until then, the mind might, intellectually, accept the possibility of something being true but could never fully understand the deeper meanings of a subject.
There are other reasons that people hold information at bay: education, where one lives in the world and so on, but the pigeonhole concept is the biggest stumbling block to accepting something as true, even though one might accept that the source of the information is impeccable
The reason that you are awakening to spirituality is because of this ascension stuff that is going on. Spiritual energy is being poured into us at the moment and is waking many people.
Some, born again Christians, for example, are really struggling with this. They are drawn to sites like mine, read all sorts of strange things that they have no pigeonholes formed to place the information in, and thus reject it. Deep down, they know that what I am saying is true, and yet they feel obliged to follow the teachings of their church.
So there is a great dichotomy.
To believe or not to believe?
So, let’s take things one at a time and let us both be guided by the Holy Spirit – which is actually our Higher Selves.
If we do this, we will not go wrong.
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