Bob’s Tractor Incident

We used to own a two hundred acre farm in the foothills of the Pyrenee mountains in the South of France.
We also had a very old tractor, it had no cabin on it, no roof, so to speak.

One day, I decided to cut the grass and hired an enormous grass cutting machine that fitted onto the back of the tractor. It was so heavy, that the front to the tractor lifted off the ground.
To counterbalance this, I tied a two hundred gallon oil drum on the front of the tractor and filled it with water.
So, we had the weight of the tractor, plus the grass cutting machine, plus two hundred kilos of water.

That made a lot of weight.

Off I set, sitting on the tractor as if I was sitting in a car with the roof down.
All went well, until I came to a steep valley.
It went down for a couple of hundred yards and, at the bottom, there were some bushes, then a drop of about ten feet and then a small stream.

I knew that I shouldn’t have attempted to cut the grass on this steep valley but I had a go.
I gingerly launched the tractor down the slope but, all of a sudden, I lost control.
It started going down the slope faster and faster.
I slammed on the brakes, nothing.
I engaged the differential lock, nothing.
I lowered the grass cutter until it was dragging on the ground, nothing.
The tractor increased speed.

I knew that this was the end of me, that I would crash through the bushes, fall down into the gully and would be killed.
So, I shouted out, ‘God, help me’.

Instantly, the tractor stopped.
Stopped on a dime, as they say.
It stopped so quickly, that I nearly flew over the steering wheel.
I clambered down from the tractor and looked to see what had stopped me so completely, but there was nothing to be seen, just grass.

I gingerly turned the tractor around and drove to the top of the valley.
I had no idea what had happened that had saved me at the time.

Eventually, I found out that, in my cry to God, I had somehow manipulated universes.
In one reality, the reality that I was in as I whizzed down the hill, I was killed and in the reality that I switched to, I was saved.

Now, don’t ask me how it happened because I don’t know.
I assure you that this is a true story and does demonstrate that it is possible to manipulate realities.

Why it doesn’t happen to all people, I have no idea.

Some people would call it a miracle but it is, in fact, just advanced physics.
I am very grateful that it happened, however.

Now, quite recently, I asked the Great White Brotherhood about this incident and why I was saved.
They told me that, as they needed me to do what I do now, they were surveying me and, when I got into a life threatening situation, they jumped in and, quick as a flash, put me on a slightly different time line – one in which the tractor stopped – and so I was saved.

So, I am on a different timeline to most people but, to be honest, it is so close to this one that I can’t feel the difference.

But the amazing thing is that the GWB were able to do such a thing, as alter timelines of someone in a flash.
I noticed nothing except that the tractor halted instantly.
Anyway, that is my tractor story.

We all thank the Great White Brotherhood!

Without the miracle that day, I would never have found your YouTube Channel… that, is the truth.

So, you can see how the GWB can look ahead into the future and also manipulate the present.

I never cease to be amazed at the power that these people have at their command.
When I talk to them, they seem very ordinary and just seem content to answer questions or dictate a book but then, suddenly, they can manipulate time, create people by altering frequencies and so on.
They can do all sorts of incredible things straight out of Harry Potter books.
Then they say, in a throw away matter, “Yes, anyone can learn to do this stuff!”
I still have difficulty lifting a feather off the desk with my mind!

But I am grateful that they saved me to help them and so I do my best to help them.
It is the least that I can do after having saved me from an early death.

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