Cannot Accept The Power Of God – Incarnation

From what I have been told, when we are embryo spirits in the heavenly spheres, we are given a certain amount of information.
Now, because we are in the heavenly spheres, we are given information but no one forces us to believe anything.
Some young spirits start to believe in the power of God and some don’t.
Those who do believe, do not come to Earth because an incarnation here would serve no purpose.
Some stay in heaven and some go off to the auras around other planets like the Pleiades or Sirius and so on.

That is why, incidentally, the aliens we see from those planets look very human. We are not actually seeing the spiritual being but seeing the robot that they construct in order to interact with us here on Earth.
But remember, us humans are a spiritual force and our bodies are also just robots that we construct in order to interact with planet Earth.
So, these aliens look like us because they are us. They just come from a different planetary system and have not been “dumbed down” like we have. So they appear very much more advanced than us.
In fact, if it was not for the dumbing down process, we would be exactly the same as them.

But those who cannot accept the information about God have the opportunity to come here to wake up that connection between God and us. It is a sort of remedial class to give us a second chance.

So, we are born here and, through all that we experience, we have the chance to wake up our God spirit.
Once we have done this, we have, essentially, done what we came here to do.

When we came here, the connection between the God spirit and us was dormant.
Now we have woken it up, and some are being asked to help with the ascension process and we have answered “present”.

Of course, there are others whose souls still sleep – the evil ones.
They will have a “incarnation” in hell, chosen by their free will, to be given another opportunity to evolve.

That is a basic overview of the situation.

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