Casting Pearls – Ascension

The only advice that I can offer about this ascension process is to worry about yourself and do not worry about anyone else.

This may sound selfish but you can’t alter the minds of other people. You can only decide your path yourself and let others find their path as and when they are ready. They will catch up sooner or later.
If you have close minded family or friends, why say anything?
Always remember what Jesus said about casting pearls before hungry swine. They will turn and bite you. This is exactly what he was talking about. I advise you to keep your own counsel until someone shows interest. Then it will be safe to divulge some of what you know.

I have also noticed that when esoteric truth is being said – which is pretty rare these days – the stories all more or less match up.
I thought that the way the person dictating the message from the spirit world had linked it to an Origami folding exercise was very clever. Certainly, I could not have done it like that.

This business of feeling that we are all one is a great leap in the dark.
It will come one day but you can’t force it.
It only comes as and when you can reduce your ego in terms of the balance between ego and spirituality.
Meditation is the key but it takes a long time to replace ego with spirituality. In fact, it is an ongoing battle. You must not push this.
If you remove ego – a protection created by nature – before having replaced it with the armour of spirituality, you will have no protection. Then you will be vulnerable to attack by the dark forces.
So, let ego drop slowly.

Another thing about ascension.
I think that there is much hogwash talked about ascension.

Certainly, it is happening, but that does not mean that we are going to see any physical change.
It is already happening and has been going on for generations, in a way.
There are really nice people and not so nice people but we all share the same planet.
Some people say that, when the shift comes, us goodies will find ourselves on a new planet and the rest will stay behind here.
The only way that this could happen is if we goodies all shot ourselves and went off to heaven.
There is no spare planet waiting in the wings to take us goodies.
So, we are all going to stay here.
However, political, financial and spiritual changes will be brought into operation that will remove the power of the less than good people.
Their influence and ability to cause us misery will be negated.
Other than that, you will see no change in a physical sense.

So, do not think for one moment that you will be separated from your loved ones. That is just not going to happen.
Over time, ordinary people will start to learn from our example and will become better people themselves.

Thus, will everyone rise to a higher spiritual awareness but will still keep their physical bodies and their physical families.

So don’t worry.

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