Late last night I had what I thought was a breakthrough regarding vibrations/frequencies.
It finally sunk into my poor brain that everything is a frequency, and that time does not exist. I have not yet figured out that space does not exist, that one is not there for me, but now because the reality of frequencies has finally set in, I can understand that time is an illusion that was created to give us a reference to reality.
I realized that everything exists at different frequencies to us which allows everything to be happening at the same time… wow, that’s amazing when it finally sinks in… there’s no “future” as we think of it in relationship to time… there is only now and different frequencies.
Now, I didn’t sleep a wink last night as the thoughts of frequency were reinforced into me over and over again, with many different scenarios.
I knew that I would need to watch your series of videos again this morning and also this message to hopefully reinforce what I had finally understood.
Well, under the idea that I had about frequency and how we exist in it was somewhat shattered by the concept that absolutely everything in all dimensions is completely destroyed and then recreated solely for the reason to adjust our DNA.
I forgot about that part of your video or because it was so foreign to me, I couldn’t accept it and didn’t even know you stated it…
So, now I am trying to wrap my head around the fact that creation is destroyed and created billion or trillions of times by one particle… the part that it is made for us individually doesn’t seems to be too much of a stretch for me to believe but the fact that the entire of creation (right back to God I guess) is completely destroyed and then created is a tough pill to swallow.
Seems like an awful lot of work to do for all the aspects of God that exist at any one time.
You may remember that I made 4 videos about time/space, the still frames of time and the way that life was destroyed in between each frame?
Well, I was told that there was still one more video to be made to complete the series.
Well, by what you might call automatic writing, I have just received a précis of the 5th bit.
I am supposed to make a video from this.
I will put what I was told below here.
All that we see and all that exists is made from a singularity whizzing about under the control of the Directors Of Life.
However, there is another aspect of this. This singularity is God, which is cosmic consciousness, unlimited intelligence.
As it is whizzing about creating life, at the same time, it imbues that life with the ability to have independent thought.
So, not only does the multiverse exist but it is alive and has the ability to think, to decide.
Thus, we create the world that we see by our thoughts.
Now, there is a further aspect of this singularity. As it is whizzing about, it is creating a totally independent world for each one of us.
This is because, as we are created individually by this singularity, so the consciousness that we have as individuals creates a separate universe for each of us.
The universe the I live in I create by influencing this singularity to make the universe that I decide I want.
The universe that you live in is the one that you decide that you want to live in.
This means that the Directors of Life are not only creating all that we see but they are creating it just for you or for me and, equally, just for everyone.
Thus, for every person alive today, an endless stream of still frames of reality is being created just for you or for me and each one of these frames (universes), are made in accordance with my hopes, desires, wishes and expectations, as are yours.
So, billions of times a second, billions of universes are being created, destroyed, re-created again, one for every person alive today.
It is also being done for every animal, plant, planet, sun and so on because all is alive and all has consciousness, complete with its plans for itself.
This has also been done for everything that was in the past or in the future.
So, for every person that has lived, is living and will live, a separate unique universe is made. Not only that but all those universes are being created and destroyed billions of times a second.
Parallel Universes
There is the concept of parallel universes and of our ability to change universes at will.
In fact, these endless parallel universes do not actually exist until we decide to create one.
Because we create our own reality, we can change it by the act of deciding that we want a different reality and then this singularity, under the control of the Directors of Life, direct the singularity to create a new one for you and to stop creating the old one and we say that you have moved to a new parallel reality.
Living things appear to have much in common with each other but it is by common agreement.
Someone decides to link with his family and friends and they decide to link with that person so they appear to share the same space and time.
If that person decides not to link anymore with someone, that someone disappears from the person’s reality.
Equally, all that actually exists in someone’s reality is what that person decides exists.
Anything that someone is not thinking about or not looking at, does not exist in that person’s reality.
So, for any person, only the immediate area around that person exists and only the people that he is aware of exist.
So, if someone gets in his car and goes for a trip, the various vehicles, buildings and the people in them or on the street are made as the vehicle progresses.
In the meantime, his house, neighbours and so on that he has left behind disappear until the person returns home and then they come back into his reality.
We all travel about in little, endlessly changing bubbles of reality, with nothing existing outside of our individual bubble.
That is so that energy can be saved.
The Directors of Life do not have to create more than is strictly necessary.
To download this lesson, please click on the link below:
PDF - Changing Bubbles Of Reality