Life will continue on and on, developing in all its various ways of unfolding for all people, according to their way of creating their reality according to their level of spirituality.
You link to your reality according to how you are now which is not the same as it was a while ago and will not be in the future as you grow in spirituality.
As you grow, you change oversouls and you change the information that this oversoul – through the angels and guides connected to that oversoul – can give you.
As you grow, you will, by the law of mutual attraction, constantly change oversouls so you will be given more and more information, intuitively, by both the oversoul you are with and the beings connected to you by the law of mutual attraction who are part of that oversoul.
So, as you grow, you will change guides because new guides are part of a new oversoul.
And so, it will go on.
You will always have a master guide behind the scenes but you will have guidance that will change as you evolve.
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