My wife and I went to our local supermarket to get a few items.
Just as we here making for the exit check out, we went down one of the aisles.
Now, in front of me, about 4 feet away was a woman of about 30 years old.
Just slightly behind me was the husband pushing a child’s push chair and, running about, a child of about 3 years old – a typical family.
My wife was slightly behind me.
We were all walking in the same direction, so the woman had her back to me.
Suddenly, the woman turned around to speak to her husband who was just behind me and, as she turned, her eyes passed by mine.
Suddenly she stopped, flicked her eyes back into mine and looked intently at me, her eyes boring into mine. Women don’t generally do this with me!
But the thing was, she had totally black eyes – no, not black, a very dark brown. No whites, no pupils, just two black/brown eye shapes. She could obviously see with them, as she was staring intently at me.
She looked slightly disturbed, puzzled, wondering what was different about me. To tell you the truth, I was feeling the same looking at her!
I could feel that she was not an evil spirit but, also, I could tell that she was not a normal human.
Also, her head shape was not quite right. She had a slightly wider than average forehead and her face narrowed down to a pointed chin. It was almost normal but not quite, if you see what I mean.
Her eyes bored into mine while she stood dead still for about 5 seconds while I, too, stopped and gazed back into her eyes. I could feel she had noticed that I was not your typical shopper and she was “reading” me.
I was trying to read her also, as I could tell that she was not a typical housewife.
In the meantime, the husband had caught up with me so she swung her attention to him, muttered something, turned and marched away to the end of the alley, turned one way while we turned the other.
As they were walking away from us, I told my wife what I had just seen. She had been looking at the shelves and had noticed nothing.
Now, this lady was about 5ft 6ins high, dressed in a pale blue hoodie with black hair. I didn’t have time to really look at the husband nor the child, but I couldn’t see anything strange with them.
To be honest, at first glance, this lady looked normal. It was only when her eyes caught mine that I could feel and see she wasn’t normal.
I will have a word with the Great White Brotherhood and see if they can add anything.
Here is what the GWB said about this family:
As you know, there are a number of people who are on Earth from a variety of sources.
There are these Grey hybrids but there are also people from alternative realities that we have mentioned in our various talks and essays.
There are also those who live under the Earth.
We cannot be sure of what you saw but we will say that, in all probability, it was someone from one of these groups.
They often visit supermarkets, shopping malls, casinos and places where they can wander about observing you without being noticed themselves.
The giveaway is to notice if they have a shopping chariot. Most people go to a supermarket to buy goods and thus have a chariot of some kind. These people seldom have one as they do not buy food or household items.
Had you cautiously followed them, at some point they would have just vanished.
This ‘lady’ very probably picked up from your aura that you were different from the average person due to your psychic and spiritual training and this both caught her attention and puzzled her as most humans incarnate are not very advanced in that sense, so she scanned you to find out more about you.
We cannot, however, be sure where this family originated.
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