Connection To Heaven


Dear Mr. Sanders,

I am hooked to your videos, it’s like listening to some learned saintly person back home.

The reason for writing is, could you please request help from your Angels for my husband, age 42 who approx. 6 months ago, not only did he survive multiple strokes, but also an open heart surgery and a flat line for 45 mins after 7 hours of a successful operation.

He is good guy at heart.
But I agree has always been a bit on the mischievous thrilling side of life.
We have 3 kids, live in the USA and are Indian (Asian) by blood.

Since his surgery, he has been seeing a door, that has light, but sees souls go thru, who recently died. An aunt of mine recently passed away and he met her too in his vision when she was crossing.
He also had my own dad, who too is deceased, come visit him.
Both my aunt and dad chatted with him and left.
The souls that have died and pass through the door don’t speak but look at him horrified, as he says his soul walks out of his body and goes up to the door and sits there or moves around in the house but is unable to pass the door. My husband can see himself sleeping and can also see himself moving around.

The first couple months the poor guy bore all this alone, as he thought we would think of him to be mad. But finally, he revealed.
He also then used to sleep downstairs but now sleeps upstairs with us all. He says all this started at the hospital.
He was able to hear voices, then visions and finally when he arrived home, all the above.
He says the first few times he was afraid, not for himself alone but for us all. He realizes now that we are safe but he says this is more like a curse for himself.

Further astonishingly, there are times when he’s fully awake, sitting calmly watching tv, when he sees his souls walk around the house.
At one point, he sees the soul stand next to me while I was cooking.

He also says when he’s asleep, the soul or spirit leaves his body and checks on the kids when asleep, just in a protective way of course.

I must mention this, before he told me about this, I have felt a pressure, heaviness, a certain kind of smell while I was asleep and confronted him. He was astonished that I could feel him.
He then mentioned that the soul just is more caring to wander and keep a loving eye on us.
He could be right, that’s the warmth feeling I get but I have had two nights of bad sexual dreams that worries me.
Each time, it was either one of my aunt who I regularly chat with online or my deceased mom show up and then turns ugly and some other entity that I can’t see.

I still wanna believe my husbands clean, as he is able to go to church have the Holy water sprinkled and has had a Deacon from the church to visit us, who wasn’t much of a help quiet frankly.

Since my husband still believes in God, I’ve told him to pray to The Lord to take all this away from him, to which he says:

  • This is his destiny.
  • It’s a kind of a curse possibly.
  • Also, this is his new life.

If it was a new life, how would he be born in this house again?

Lay people like me don’t know what we are talking about, the truth is far different. When he has his visions, it’s a lost feeling and loneliness, he has no angels or guides and how this world portrays the after life is way more sad and terrifying.
It’s not rosy and it’s best to leave it there, as there’s no solution.
He thinks no one understands anything and no one will be able to help him.

I know you will able to help us.
I know The Lord thru your angels will pass us the message that we are unable to receive.

I shall wait for your reply eagerly.

Please do excuse me for the long detailed letter but it was important to tell you everything.

PS: You have a very humble and pure soul, almost like a child.
You remind me of very holy people back home in India, in the good old days.

Thanking you.

Yours sincerely.

I am not sure that I can fully answer all your questions because you are touching on deep levels of psychic connection to your husband which are further enhanced by your religious background.  So, it all gets mixed up like a giant stew, if you will forgive the expression.

But, the base of your husband’s problem is the open heart surgery and has been more magnified by his flat line experience.
Now, you may or may not know that we all have chakras, which are connection points to our auras which, in turn, are connected to various levels of other dimensions.

We all have a heart chakra.

If someone has any surgery on their heart, that can interfere with the heart chakra, so that, in the case of your husband, his connection to that chakra is unnaturally open, allowing him to receive information from the dimensions.

Now, when he was “flat line” he was, essentially dead for a while.  So, even though he may not remember, he visited heaven. He probably went down the tunnel of light, through the door at the end and into a part of heaven known as Summerland.  It is extremely bright in that area.
Obviously, he was sent back to his body.

But, the point that I am making is this.
Due to the fact that access to his heart chakra is unnaturally open and, due to the fact that he has already visited heaven, the two things combined allow him to see people passing into heaven.
It is in a way, a psychic connection and, to be quite frank, a lot of people would pay dearly to have that connection.
But I want you to realise that it is nothing to worry about.
There is nothing “devilish” in this.  It is just as I explained, something that happened as a result of his surgery and his “flat line” experience.

Now, the question is, where do you go from here?
It is a very rare event that your husband experienced and I don’t think that it will stop.
So, you will both have to come to terms with it.
But at least you now know why it is happening.

As I said, you are involved with a religion and you know what some priests are like.  Everything is God or the devil.
This is neither.
It is just the connection to heaven that is opened and your husband can observe things happening in that dimension.
But, be careful what you tell your priest or any of the congregation.
Your priest almost certainly has never heard of any of what I have just told you and will throw a fit!

I hope that I was able to help you but I am a bit concerned about your fundamentalist religious connection, that might muddy the waters.

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