Consumption Of Animals Or Any Of God’s Creatures

It was considered, until quite recently, that man could not survive without meat.

Certainly, Vitamin B12 can be a problem and has been used as an argument proving that meat consumption is both necessary and natural to man.
In fact, the Vitamin B12 problem is a hangover from when man was in the caveman stages and relied on killing animals to feed his family and himself, plants being somewhat unknown about.
However, as man rises in ascension, so his body will adapt and eventually, this last vestige of a bygone age will disappear and man will no longer require Vitamin B12.

We consider that spirituality requires certain sacrifices and one of them is to not kill God’s creatures who are also close cousins of humanity.
In the book about DNA that we gave you, it states that some animals are so close in DNA to us humans, that we’re almost the same being.

There are a number of reasons for not eating meat, all of which have been explained over and again but we will repeat a few once again.

  1. Thou shalt not kill. This implies never being involved in any activity that involves negative actions. Killing animals is obviously a negative action.
  2. Animal by-products are harmful to humans who are not designed to digest such matter.
  3. Uric acid is very harmful to humans.
  4. The animalistic auras that animals have are in opposition to any aura influence that humans require. The result is seen around us in aggressivity and or fear. Humans require peace and love, not aggressivity or fear.
  5. When a person’s incarnation finishes and that person goes to heaven, the animalistic auras cling to him, his spiritual body. The result is that by the law of mutual attraction, he is drawn to a level that corresponds to the spiritual level he has obtained.
    So no matter how holy a person thinks he is, with animal auras mixed with his own, he is not able to enter the higher realms of light. We might use the example of someone wearing a pure white garment that is covered in mud, thus concealing the white.
  6. The last thing that we will mention is hypocrisy. A spiritual person confesses love for all things because the modus operandi of this planet is love. But how can that person be loving when he is responsible for the production and destruction of God’s creatures in the most appalling manner possible to imagine.

A truly spiritual person would not only not eat animals but would advocate for the elimination of all animal exploitation.

For anyone who believes that religion states that eating God’s creatures is acceptable, please consider this:

Leviticus 17:14;

For it is the life of all flesh, the blood of it is the life thereof. Therefore, I say unto you, you shall eat no manner of flesh, for the life of all flesh is the blood thereof. And whosoever eats it will be cut off.


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