So, what more do you know about controlling our destiny all the time.
I will give this subject a go.
It is not difficult to understand but it is difficult to put into words.
As the Great White Brotherhood have said, there is actually nothing physical. It is all an illusion created in order for us, and all life, to have something that we can relate to.
But the truth of the matter is that all that really exists is one tiny point of life, of consciousness, that is called a singularity. This singularity exists but is invisible and cannot in any way be measured.
So, if we could really see life as it is, we would be nothing living in a nowhere place surrounded by nothingness.
However, luckily for us, consciousness creates all that we see even though it is all illusion. But I think you would agree that it does seem real and solid.
That is the power of illusion.
To go back to the singularity.
The singularity is actually the conscience of our galaxy. As we are all part of the galaxy we have our own aspect of that singularity that gives us our identity.
So, everything you see, all the people, animals, plants, and everything else are actually part of this singularity but has, nevertheless, its own sense of identity.
This sense of identity is not real.
It is all part of the great illusion but nevertheless from our point of view, we seem to have a sense of individuality.
Now why did I mention all of that?
If we can realise that nothing exists except consciousness and that, in fact, the consciousness of other people, plants, etc., are just part of the great illusion and that we are a point of consciousness, entirely alone and the only thing that exists, we can start to realise that we can manipulate the illusion because we create that illusion with our consciousness.
I repeat, in your case, you are the only thing that exists in your reality.
You exist as a point of consciousness, intelligence, life – call it what you will – and that nothing else exists. So, all you see, all you interact with every moment of every day is a series of illusions created by you, to make your life seem real.
But you create these illusions.
If this is so, and without thinking about it, you create all that you experience, that leaves the door open to manipulate what you experience and make it conform more to what you want.
I hope that you are able to realise that, subliminally, you are constantly creating all that you see and experience with your imagination and it is all like a theatrical piece.
It is not real, it is illusion so well done, that it appears real for you.
Now we get to the hard part.
If it is true that you create everything that you see and experience with your mind, in theory, there is nothing stopping you altering those experiences to conform to what you would prefer to experience.
But, ever since you were first given the human stamp, a long time ago, you have been creating illusions without knowing that you did.
So you have now got to tell yourself to stop creating the illusions that you have been making and to start creating illusions that you have decided to create, consciously.
This is the hard part.
You must persuade your imagination to stop creating what it has been doing for so long and to start again to create illusion according to your desire.
This can be practiced.
One way to do this is to practice making psi wheels turn, raising feathers in the air and the other things that we have discussed.
What you will be doing, in fact, is altering your old reality and make it conform to the reality you have decided.
Normally, a psi wheel will not spin but you can force it to spin by taking over a new form of consciousness.
Gradually, as you master these techniques, so you will get more and more confident that you can control life.
As you do that, so your faith that you can do these things we’ll grow.
As I have said before, it is like riding a bike.
When you know you can do it you have absolute faith that you can.
You can develop that faith as you master altering life.
Regarding the psi wheel, do you visualize with your mind that it is moving?
Do you create a mental image in your mind and try and hold that image for as long as possible? Practice that over and over again until one day you start to see a little movement?
To describe how you make a psi wheel turn is not easy.
It is not hard to learn to do it but it is hard to describe how you do it.
If you can remember when you learned to ride a bike, you didn’t really concentrate on it in a psychic sense, you just tried and tried until it worked.
Learning to make a psi wheel turn is much the same.
You make one, put it in front of you, with your hands either side of it and imagine it turning. One day it will.
It is no good forcing it with your mind.
That doesn’t work.
What you are trying to do is to incorporate the psi wheel into you as if it was an extension of you.
Once you can do that, you can make it turn, just as if you were moving your arms about.
So, all I can suggest is that you make a psi wheel and just work and see what happens.
With practice it will start to turn but it takes a long time and you need a great deal of patience and determination.
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