Denver International Airport

What is going on at the Denver International Airport?
There are a lot of videos about it and lots of rumors about underground bunkers there.
Can the Great White Brotherhood shed any light on this place?

Here is the reply from the GWB on Denver International Airport:

The Denver International Airport is, indeed, a strange place.

As anyone awake could guess, there is a lot of esoteric information in the halls, much of it negative.
The object is to lower people’s feelings of happiness.

As people travel, especially on holiday, they naturally feel joyful and the artwork is designed to take this feeling of joy and replace it with apprehension.

We can see the influence of the Archons behind this; to take joy and turn it into misery.

All of this was created as a last-ditch attempt by the evil ones to delay Ascension and the feelings of joy and happiness that comes with Ascension.
It is a clever idea to create a center to destroy traveler’s natural effervescence when taking a pleasure trip and replacing it with a sense of foreboding.

This negative artwork will, eventually, be replaced with more suitable posters, we hope.

The underground sections are there to be used as emergency housing for the elite if an Extinction Level Event hits planet Earth – which will not happen.

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