My only source of information is the Great White Brotherhood.
Now, I am sure that they never lie to me but I do believe that they release information to me on a “need to know” basis, or when I am in a position to understand what they are telling me.
For instance, if they had told me about singularities, space/time, individual universes and so on 40 years ago, I would not have had a clue what they were talking about.
Of course, they did mention singularities, but they did not go into details.
However, what they did mention was that all of us – with the exception of indigo kids as an example – come here because our souls sleep. Part of our job here is to wake our souls (higher selves) up.
They went on to say that, once we had accomplished this, the reason for our incarnation was essentially finished.
But, I can understand that God, or the DOL – or perhaps some other group – have made two forces that play together to help us wake up.
The good cop, bad cop routine.
In a way, we have this in politics. We have the right wing and the left wing but they are, in theory, working for the good of the people – or should be.
Another example.
In some universities, there are debating societies where a silly question will be posed: is the moon made of green cheese, and both sides debate the pros and cons. The idea being to train the students in the art of debating in preparation for running a country or a business.
However, as I am sitting writing this message, I can feel myself being “nudged” to accept the concept as true.
So, I will say that the concept of two forces, one working for good and the other potentially evil but both being different aspects of the same positive force, is true.
Strange as it is.
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