They can be the same but not necessarily.
EBENs, as no doubt you know, means Extraterrestrial Biological Entities and implies creatures – not really alive in our sense – from space.
These entities seem to have an extraordinary level of self awareness and could easily be mistaken for true living beings.
PLFs means the little robots that only work when controlled, either by prior programming, or by telepathic communication.
They seem to be made by a number of races, including the Tall Whites (Nordics), who live under the Earth, the Reptilians, the Secret Space Program and also alien races.
Their IQ is about 80 but when not in use are just stocked somewhere like puppets or children’s toys.
Now, the EBENs are always alive and aware, if we could call soulless entities alive, and have an extremely high IQ.
No doubt they are manufactured but are much more advanced than a PLF.
Depending on their programming, the EBENs can have emotion to a certain point but it is, of course, programmed reaction.
An EBEN is A.I. pushed to a very high degree, whereas a PLF is just a tool.
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