2 AM, Friday, 19JUN2020; in the courtyard of our property I saw, I think, a Djinn.
It had the appearance of a glowing white box like thing that was stationary but when it sensed my presence in the courtyard, immediately flew horizontally along and slightly above a fence and disappeared behind one of the huge pillars that support the enormous gates which are the entrance and exit to the courtyard. At that point, it had completely disappeared.
I was in the courtyard at 2 a.m. to put bird seed out for the wild pigeons that live around us.
The djinn looked like it was made of white sheets and was about 3 feet long, 2 feet high and 2 feet wide. It glowed slightly so that even in the dark of night I could see it clearly.
I can’t think what else it could have been but a djinn.
It could not have been a bird or an animal of any sort.
It was a strange sight but very interesting.
If it was a djinn, I do not know what it was doing there.
That is very exciting!
Djinn seem to be more easily seen than other nature spirits? Does that seem to be true?
If it was a fairy, I don’t think that it would have fled like that, but I am by no means an expert in nature spirits.
Well, thankfully it didn’t feel startled enough to try and attack or defend itself, although I imagine that you would have been able to block any such attempt.
Quite amazing and I imagine it was somewhat exciting to see such a thing.
If the GWB make any mention of that experience, do please pass along anything they say.
It was a strange sight indeed, as I was not expecting to see such a thing at 2 am on my plot of land.
However, I was not scared as I realized straight away what it was and I am not scared of djinn. I am possibly more powerful than djinn. Anyway, they always run away, when I see them.
They belong to the demonic race but are so feeble in terms of negative power, that they are at the bottom of the power base, so to speak.
They can flip between invisibility and visibility.
They, in visibility, are shape shifters, so can assume any shape they want. Why it had assumed that form, I never got the time to ask, although I have never heard one speak.
That white form is fairly typical of when they have assumed visibility but have not decided on any definite form to take. Usually, in that state they are white orbs but, obviously, they can modify that to what I saw.
They seem to like to explore our 3D realm – incarnation – and, I think, are seen more often than people realise.
The only thing about this djinn that was unusual was that, when they disappear, they usually do so leaving a black smoke behind them as they fade from our reality. This one did not although it could have done when it was hiding behind the big pillars that hold up the huge wrought Iron gates I mentioned.
But what it was looking at on our land at that time of the morning, I can’t imagine. Apart from all the animals that come and feed on the food I put out, cats, hedgehogs, perhaps a fox or two, there is not much going on at 2 am.
But, I saw it so I mark it up as one more esoteric experience.
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