Entering The Astral Realms

This message is being shared to describe what entering one of the astral realms is like compared to Astral Projection, which is considered to be entering the etheric realms, which are completely different and a completely different experience.

The name Astral Projection should be changed to Etheric Projection.

Entering the Astral realms is a silent and seamless transition. There is no noticeable movement from one state of awareness to the other.

Hi Bob,

I wanted to tell you about the experience I had while meditating.

I took some time to have a good, quiet meditation this morning because the house was quiet.
I won’t go into all the details of the entire meditation.

I was getting deeper and deeper into the meditation when all of a sudden, I could feel myself leaving my body.
It started from my feet and legs and it was like I was going in the direction of leaving out the top of my head.

At the same time, I could all of a sudden see these coloured lights or coloured bubbles of light streaming or flowing towards a bright light. They all seemed to be heading upwards from the left side of my awareness.

The coloured lights/orbs/bubbles were not moving fast, but there was many of them and the light they were heading towards was very bright but also seemed far away.

I was becoming more and more focused on the coloured lights/orbs/bubbles moving towards the light and then I started to focus on the bright point of light also and started to feel myself moving towards the light, but I lost focus for some reason and came back to my body.

I asked the Great White Brotherhood what you experienced and this is what they said:

Guy entered the astral realms for a moment.
He was not fully in the astral realms because it was hoped by his guides that he would enter the light and find himself in Summerland and he would have been taken on a tour. But it was not to be – he got distracted by something and his body called him back.

But, as he was leaving his body, the various orbs he saw were recently deceased people heading towards the light – Summerland.

We hope that Guy will have more luck next time.
He had guides lifting him out of his body, so he was in no danger.

End of message from the GWB.

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