The Great White Brotherhood stated that the Directors Of Life (DOL) manipulate the genetics of humans.
It has been stated by others that there are 22 ET races that have been splicing their DNA with ours for at least 250,000 years.
And yet, no ET races have physical bodies and the bodies that are seen are manufactured.
So where is the truth?
The only beings that can create human beings are humans via the egg/sperm process.
The only beings that are authorized to manipulate human, plant and other DNA, are the DOL.
Which implies, that the other ET races that might be manipulating human DNA are doing it without authorization.
Authorization comes exclusively from God.
These 22 races, inhabiting the astral planes surrounding certain planets, are basically humans that chose not to incarnate here on Earth but left the heavenly spheres in order to experience life in astral form elsewhere in the galaxy.
From there, they learned about physical life here on Earth and decided, like the greys, to try to create human bodies but with their minds.
The main difference is that the greys come from the lower 4th dimension and are evil, whereas these other 22 races come from the higher 4th dimension and are not negative per se.
In fact, these 22 races are trying to create human type bodies as a sort of seedbank idea.
If ever the human population was eradicated again by natural or man-made causes, these ET’s want to be able to introduce their races of beings with human bodies and very advanced minds in order to be able to kickstart humanity to a higher level – their level – instead of waiting for the few survivals to re-develop, and reproduce from the stone age again.
However, as they do not have the authority to do this any more than the greys do, they are finding it impossible to manipulate the bodies they create to accept the spirit of God.
As it is God that gives life to objects, whatever their form, they can, to a certain point reproduce a human looking body, they can put a human brain in it, but they cannot make the construct accept the spirit of God because they don’t have access to the spirit of God.
Only the DOL have that in their purview.
Thus, the 22 races have failed as have the greys and always will fail.
The difference is that the DOL start with the spirit of God and form all the rest around it, whereas the other ET’s do not have access to the God spirit, and so they construct a body, put a brain in it and then struggle how to obtain a spirit of God.
As they do not have access to spirit of God they are wasting their time.
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