I was listening to someone reading “Magical beasts and where to find them by JK Rowings” when it reminded me of something I saw some years ago.
I had a siesta one day and, I woke up and I looked over to a coat that was hanging by the side of my wardrobe a couple of feet from where I was in bed.
As I looked at this coat, I could see a strange creature slowly climbing up it.
This creature resembled somewhat a large black beetle. It was about two inches long, an inch wide, was black, and was quite unlike anything that I had ever seen.
It slowly climbed up my coat.
I laid in bed and watched it.
It climbed up my coat and, suddenly, stretched longer. It was climbing vertically up the coat and it stretched longer from top to bottom. Its width remained the same.
Once it had reached about four inches long, it suddenly faded and was gone.
My coat retained no evidence of it.
I assume that I had seen a creature from the etheric realm, but what it was, I have no idea.
But I definitely saw it.
Isn’t it interesting how the things from the etheric seem to interact with this realm like it is one and the same?
Of course, that may seem obvious to you but is quite amazing to me.
I do not yet seem to have etheric vision, as I do not see things like that.
At times, as I have mentioned in the past, I see things move out of the corner of my eye, but of course when I look or turn and look, there is nothing there.
It is a bit unnerving to think of all these creatures running about our houses and yards.
I have got used to them.
Just a few days ago I saw the ghost of a cat walk past our kitchen door as I was standing talking to my wife.
At the time I was worried that one of our cats had come to a sticky end but no, our cats are OK. Whose cat it was, I don’t know, but I saw it.
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