This is another discussion that I (Guy) had with Bob over e-mail and is being shared because this discussion may help others who have the same questions or are pondering some of the same thoughts and Bob has endorsed most of what is written here and all can learn from this information.
There is one section of this message that has already been published as a lesson and will remain as a stand alone lesson.
Hi Bob,
My current evolution is that beliefs are critical to evolution.
Beliefs are very powerful catalysts of creation.
Without beliefs, there is nothing. Nothing is created without a belief in something.
In order to create something, you have to believe in it.
I have been doing a lot of thinking and I realize that I was always coming back to something that has a single answer.
Whatever I was thinking about, I would end up thinking about God, what God is, or, how what I was thinking about is related to God.
It was always coming up as I was working through different thoughts.
I would end up thinking, how was what I was thinking about related to God.
As I was working my way through it and writing down thoughts, the same answer started coming to me.
The answer that repeated over and over again was, yes.
Everything that I tried to work through came to the same conclusion, yes, it is God.
This is always true if you have a belief that there is only one thing that created us.
And, that belief is critical if you are going to be able to accept duality.
Potential proof to one creator could be that everyone on some level, accepts, or tolerates, or respects differences.
Knowingly or unknowingly.
Not accepting some aspect of someone or something is evidence of the Self realization process, evolution.
That does not mean that it is ok to not accept some aspect of something or someone, it just means that there is something that is out of alignment with a belief you have, our evolution goal may be to respect that difference but realize that it is not something you want to accept as your belief, yet.
So, beliefs are critical to everything.
You likely already knew that, and that’s great, again, I had to work it through myself.
I am glad that I am able to have that belief, because I can then focus on some of the things that I would also like to figure out.
Always knowing that whatever I focus on, the answer will always be yes.
If the answer is yes, then you can always keep searching so, no matter what conclusion I come up with, it has to be yes, because all is God.
So, I will continue and know that no matter what the question or the conclusion is, the answer is always yes.
If I ask the question, is that me? The answer is yes.
If I ask if that pen is me, the answer is yes.
Another question is, how much do you believe the answer.
If you believe the answer, then you will see the answer. If you do not believe the answer, then you cannot see the answer.
It is, believe then see, not see then believe.
Some have stated that the saying should be: I Am That, I Am… not, I Am That I am.
I agree with the first statement.
You must be correct that you are everything because everything is created from this one point of life – God – whizzing about creating it all.
You, a pen, a desk and so on are created from this one point of life. So, you, a pen and all that is, is you and you are it (them).
Everything is God.
I think it is as simple as that.
Yes, so, I am starting to understand, that no matter what is happening, no matter how much I do not like something, disagree, or how much I want something to change, to fit into my belief, it is all God, therefore, it is all correct.
All differences, all wrong doings, all injustices, all crimes against humanity, all injustices against animals, plants, trees, Earth.
It is all God and, it is all meant to be.
The answer is yes.
I agree and I don’t agree.
Yes, it is all God and therefore perfect, but is it perfect for us?
Don’t forget, that we have all these parallel universes that we can jump to if we want.
Therefore, that implies that each version of our existence may be perfect as such but some might seem to be better to us than others.
This might be a bit complicated.
We are all God.
The world that we live in is also God.
But, apparently, there are many versions of these worlds, all God, but all different.
How can this be?
If God is perfect, how can He make countless different versions, each one perfect for us to choose to live in?
Or rather “why”?
One would think that God, being perfect, would make just one perfect world for all of us to live in but there are countless different versions for each one of us and countless realities, many for each person.
Obviously, I am playing with you a bit.
At the end of the road, we will all join God in a perfect world but, at the moment, at the bottom of the ladder, as you said, we have innumerable choices that we may choose from.
There has to be a life lesson here.
Quite what it is, I do not know for the moment, but it has to do with making the right choices, I suppose.
Following the higher self.
Thanks Bob,
I realized that there is more to just accepting all that there is, that is the right thing to do, accept all that there is, but to still make a choice.
I need to add to my last reply, not that it was incorrect, but that it needs to be added to.
Though true, that everything that we see or experience is God, that, I now believe is expressed as lessons to us, however beautiful or horrifying, we have to accept that it is God.
But, what is it that you learn from it, what reflection do you see, and how do you feel about it. What, choice do you make.
This is what I have learned.
It is not me who shall judge how others shall feel about it, nor shall I act out in rage against those who sin in my eyes.
I shall make a choice, judge myself, and act accordingly.
Let others see how I act, but do not force them to conform to my beliefs. Do not tell them that they are wrong. All is right, and all are choices, decisions, and all shall judge themselves.
This, in a way, I believe, is what Jesus was trying to show us.
Jesus did not act against those who wanted to harm him, nor did he judge them as wrong. In the act of doing, one learns by making choices, and one must judge oneself from making those choices.
Jesus’ actions, which is God, that played out in a horrific manner, was a lesson to all, that no matter what happens, do not judge others.
Experience and make choices, but do not judge others, judge thy self.
When Jesus called to God, his father, to forgive them saying, “they know not what they do”, do not judge them, do not harm them, it was a direct message to us, as Jesus was speaking on behalf of God, he is God.
It is likely wrong that it was written in the Bible that Jesus then said “father, do you not forsaken me?”, or something like that, and then God raged vengeance on those who harmed Jesus, paints the wrong picture I feel.
Jesus showed not to judge others, that everyone will make a choice and that is the way that it is meant to be.
The design of creation.
It is the individual’s choice to make and to judge themselves from the choice made.
When Jesus made that statement, it was for us to accept and to know that we are not to judge others.
Earth must be the place to learn lessons the quickest, the place that provides the fastest and most powerful experiences of duality.
The quickest way because of the harshness of the experiences to learn what it is that you will choose, to take with you into the spirit world and evolve from as you journey back to all there is.
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