EVP & Reverse Speech

Someone just contacted me and asked my opinion of it.

Well, I didn’t have an opinion, as I knew nothing about Electronic Voice Phenomenon (EVP) and so on.
So, I asked my guides for some help and started tapping on the keyboard.
Then I was given a download of information.

It seems, if my guides are correct, that EVP is actually created by the person operating the machine.
That person’s thoughts and will are influencing the electronic circuitry and the voices that come out of the box are the thoughts of the person.

What that means is that if, for example, the person thinks that we live in a prison planet, then the voices will confirm that they live in a prison planet.
Now, how this works in regard to reverse speech, I don’t know.
But it seems that these voice boxes are not actually contacting any living person in another realm.
They just create what the operator thinks and feels.

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