Example of Bible Mistranslations

By studying words and etymology in relation to the stories in the Bible, can lead one up the garden path.  If the story is false, no amount of study of the words used will make it true.  The hard part is finding the truth.  Once that is done, the story can be explained in simple terms because all spiritual truths are simple.
God might be complex but is not complicated.
There are people who write weighty tomes on the Bible almost as if verbosity equated to veracity.  But, if they have not found the clues to the code of how the Bible was written, it is meaningless.
Then, of course, there are mistranslations.
A classic one is the ancient Greek word for food.  It translates as “meat”.  I understand that the Greek word for food and meat is the same word.
So, when the Bible was translated from Greek, the word for food was written as meat, the scholars of the time not being able to understand that one can live on vegetables.
So, despite it being clearly stated in Genesis 1 vs 29, ‘Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed which is upon the face of all the Earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.’
Yet how many Christians are vegan?  Indeed, one should be fruitarian!
It is noticeable that most Christians skip over this commandment from God, written in plain language and still enjoy eating dead animals.
Yet claim to have studied the Bible.
Strange, don’t you think.

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