For Those Who Can Understand

Bob Sanders, lol, do you call non-spiritual people muggles?

I think that Ms. Rowling, was perhaps, guided in writing the Harry Potter books.

What she describes is our future.

We are splitting into two groups: those like us that are ready to develop the gifts of the spirit: clairvoyance, telepathy, teleportation, etc. and those who think it is all rubbish, the muggles, like the Dursleys.

Years ago, schools like Hogwarts, Beauxbatons and Durmstrang existed.
They were called the mystery schools.
This type of education will return one day.
It will be considered normal, not only to learn the three “R’s” but to learn to use the gifts of the spirit.

Evil people like Voldemort will have been rounded up and thrown in Azkaban so we will all live in peace.

That is the future I foresee, and it is all described in the Harry Potter books for those who can understand.

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