I had an interesting experience this evening.
I was sitting at my desk, doing my thing on the computer.
My work position is facing the door of my room.
Suddenly, one of our cats came in, jumped onto the desk, and stood in front of the screen, as cats always do.
The door of my room became slightly ajar as the cat pushed into the room.
As I was trying to look past the cat at the screen, out of the corner of my eye, I saw a ghost walk by in the corridor outside of the room.
I only got a short look at him.
I saw that he was dressed in brown but that was about all I saw.
Now, we do have a ghost in our house.
It is a little old lady, dressed in Victorian-style clothes. We don’t see her often, but this ghost was not her.
This is not the first time that this has happened. The one in the corridor, I mean.
If it is the same ghost that I occasionally see outside my room, I don’t know.
I always get the feeling of sadness when I see this ghost and the feeling that he is looking for something.
It is the same with the people I see in our yard.
They always look like the white rabbit in Alice in Wonderland, urgently trying to get somewhere. They don’t look like the white rabbit, of course.
But they always look like there is something wrong and they hurry along as if they are late for something.
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