Giant Spaceships | Blue Spheres | RA | Secret Space Programs

Giant Spaceships
There are, indeed, a number of giant spaceships far out in the galaxy but we would not say that they are there to moderate the energy flooding Earth.  They are there, each one with a large number of astral beings inside, to absorb the energy, in an attempt to energise themselves.  Of course, the effect of this will lessen somewhat the energy arriving on Earth but the reason is not to control it but to absorb it.

Are the giant space ships a sphere and did they arrive here through the sun, meaning, did they travel the galaxies through the so-called “cosmic web” and enter our solar system from the sun and position their ships around the Earth?

There is much confusion concerning those spaceships out in space.  We regret to say that much of these “alien alliance” groups is fiction.
The various, so called, alien groups, do not, generally, join forces to work together.
They have independent agendas and pursue them assiduously.  To work in groups would imply compromise, which is not, generally, part of their thinking.
These huge ships are not spherical.  They are more the shape of traditional UFO’s – flying saucer shaped.
As they turned to face the cosmic energy flooding us, they present the round part to us and appear, at that vast distance, to be spherical.
They did not come into our system via the sun. They used the frequency concepts that we have talked about and simply jumped to the points they wanted.
It would be pointless to try to give a name or a location to this group.  They are unknown on Earth.

Blue Spheres
The spheres you mentioned are real but are used in a very limited capacity by a certain group of aliens that have developed them.  Fortunately, this group is helping mankind and will assist what is termed disclosure.  The blue avians are just another programed life form (robots).

Are the Blue Avians a creation of the Blue Spheres? Another question, are the Blue Spheres the large spherical objects that are positioned in the hundreds or thousands close to Earth?

The small blue spheres are in no manner connected to the huge ships far out in space.
They are the product of a different group.

The group called RA is, in fact, a precursor of the Great White Brotherhood and have no connection with any alien group.  As the RA group was not physical, it has been assumed to be alien.  It is not so.  It was a group not unlike our own.
As the original members of this group have now advanced to the point that they have almost no contact with Earth, communications have stopped and we now carry the torch of truth.
Their message is now being jumbled up with ET concepts by people who cannot understand that information can come from a nonphysical source but is not necessarily alien.

So, the Blue Avians or the Blue Spheres are not the RA from the Law of One? Also, can the channelled work of the Law Of One be considered a good source of knowledge and wisdom? Do the GWB continue to work with the group RA?

The GWB have already explained this.  The so-called RA group were the precursors of the GWB.  Many of them have now advanced to the point that they cannot contact us and so the GWB has taken over.

Is there also a civilization that will be helping humanity after disclosure and their leader is called Ambassador Mica? This being stated that they have been closely watching Earth and went through a similar process and they will help humanity. Their genetics is very close to mans.

This is once again fiction.  Any ET help would always be given in astral form – telepathy.
There will be no ambassadors appearing out of the blue.
Any such being would just be a PLF, a robot.

Is there a group or civilization called the Mayan breakaway group that travel around is a large ship made out of stone or granite? Is this group also working with humanity to help with ascension or disclosure?

No advanced civilisation would create a vessel from rock.
It is the last thing they would do.
Any flying craft needs to be grown from an astral concept and must be formed from malleable material, not rock!

Secret Space Program

I don’t know if the Great White Brotherhood would be willing answer, but perhaps you could ask them if there has ever been a secret space program called Solar Warden and if there is a technology called age regressing where they can take a person and change them back to being 20 years earlier physically.

We are a little reluctant to talk in any depth about such matters as all communications on Earth are monitored, and so too much truth revealed could cause problems for the individuals concerned and we do not wish for that to happen.
That was one of the reasons that we were reluctant to talk about aliens when you first asked us (back in the 1980’s).
However, we will say a few things that we consider safe to say.

There are a number of secret space programs operated by a number of countries, some using alien technologies and some using Earth discovery techniques.
The moon is not quite as has been described.  It does have an atmosphere, not exactly like Earth, but can be adapted, locally, for people to breath.

We will say that humans have been visiting the moon for some years now but there is a severe limit as to what they can do as other groups have taken command of the moon and only allow humans to visit, so to speak.
Humans do not have the freedom to explore and exploit the moon as they would like.

We will lastly say that mind altering drugs are used and false memories are implanted in the minds of those that were used by the so called Industrial, Military Complex to confuse the scene, thus people do not know what is true and what is false.

Age regression is possible, but it is a very complex and delicate matter to accomplish.
We are not convinced that to age regress someone for 20 years is possible.  It is difficult enough to go back for just one minute so 20 years seems to be greatly exaggerated to us.

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