God Does Not Make Useless Things

Hi Bob,
I’m the person who messaged you on YouTube about suicide, I just want to say thank you for your kind response.

A bit about my background I’m 29 years old and have suffered from mental illness my whole life. I have Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder and really feel like a burden to my family, a massive disappointment to my parents and I can’t hold down a job because of my problems.

I’m almost 30 years old and have nothing to show for it. My health is suffering because finding motivation to exercise is so hard. I know it’s lazy, but I just get so depressed. I find it almost impossible to find motivation.

My dad looks down on me, my mum is sick of me, I have so much rage in me from being bullied I lash out and say very hurtful things I don’t mean (part of my disorder) and am overwhelmed with guilt, anger and sadness all the time and I know this sounds silly.

I’m not that tall so when people bully me, I can’t defend myself. It also makes me feel inferior to everybody and I’m so tired of feeling inferior and being judged, looked down upon and just being a burden. I think to myself, is this all I’m worth?

I’m so sick of life and a while ago I put a belt around my neck and I almost passed out but fell to the floor and came back round and a few days ago I was thinking of taking an overdose with sleeping pills and even wrote a note to my family, telling them I’m sorry. I even look on the internet on the most painless ways to die. I was gonna starve myself or abuse alcohol, so it doesn’t look like suicide. But it’s always been at the back of my mind, what will happen when I cross over but sometimes Bob, it’s all just too much and I can’t cope and I have always said that when my mother passes, that’s the day I will take my own life.

The person I wouldn’t want to hurt most is my mum. I have never told anyone this and I know it’s terrible but sometimes I just want to go to sleep and never wake up but like I said, I’m terrified of what will happen when I cross over.

Thank you for revealing your suffering to me.

I want you to understand that I am not a doctor, but for many years, I have helped people in your situation.
The first thing I want to say to you is that you, like all life, were made by God and God does not make useless things. Everything that you can see, from the tiniest grain of sand, to the whole universe, was made by God and God makes things that have a purpose.
Therefore, you were made by God and have a purpose in life.
The trick is to uncover what your purpose is in the life that God gave you.

Now, I am going on to tell you how your life plan was decided.

You, like all human life, came originally from heaven. At the end of your incarnation, you will return to heaven. We all follow this formula.

Now, this is going to be the hard part for you to understand, but I will tell you anyway.
Each and everyone of us, before we incarnate, work out, in conjunction with our guides and the angels who look after us, what our life plan during our incarnation should be.

Some people choose to be doctors, artists, dentists, mechanics and so on. Any one of thousands of different careers that exist.
In your case, because you are a very special, brave and courageous person, you chose to find out what it would be like to be born with a disability.
You are not the only one. Some people choose to be born with physical disabilities, others with mental or emotional disabilities. But the only people who choose to do this are the very brave.
As you know, it is not easy to go through life with a disability but, because of your special power, you volunteered to be born with this disability.
The reason is as follows.
We are all part of a group soul. There are many group souls and we all belong to one or the other. This group soul is called our “Oversoul”. Each group soul helps create humans.
Your group soul, which you could consider to be a bit like a parent, has been creating humans for a long time and will do so for a long time into the future.

Now, when our incarnation is finished, each human returns to heaven and passes the experiences that he had during his incarnation to his group soul, who in turn passes it to God.
The idea is that God, and our group soul, both grow in wisdom from the experiences that the human had during his incarnation.
So, for every person that the group, or Oversoul, creates throughout time, when that person’s incarnation is over, he returns to heaven and tells his Oversoul his whole life. Thus, the oversoul grows in wisdom from absorbing those different experiences.

Now, in your case, this is what happened. Your oversoul thought that it needed to know what it was like to experience the life of someone with a mental handicap.
So, amongst the various people that your oversoul created, that didn’t have the courage to face such a handicap, eventually you came along and volunteered.
You knew that you had the power, the strength to face such a handicap.
You were the only one in your group soul’s creations of people who had this courage.
Thus, you were born with this handicap.

On top of this, to make your life more difficult, you were born a small person.
Can you see how all this was created to see how you would cope with it?

You were born with a maximum of problems so that, through your strength, you could overcome all those problems and, eventually, return to your oversoul and make a report of how well – or not – you coped with the problems.

Now, I want your Oversoul to be proud of you. I want you to be proud of you.
You have the strength to overcome these difficulties, or God would not have allowed them to have been laid on you.
God knows you can overcome these problems, your Oversoul knows you can, I know you can. It only remains for you to convince yourself that you also can overcome these problems.

First, being a small person is not a handicap. Napoleon was a very small person, but he rose to be Emperor of much of Europe. Many people have been born small but have done great things. So, being small you should not consider a handicap.

This emotional problem is of a different order. It can be overcome and you have the strength to do it but it will take time.

What you need to do is to realise that you are not inferior to others. In fact, you are vastly superior to most or you would not have been born with this burden placed upon you.

Now, you will not be able to resolve your problem overnight.
It seems a massive problem to you at the moment, but nothing is impossible.

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