God Is Perfect

Yes, it is all God and therefore perfect, but is it perfect for us?

Don’t forget that we have all these parallel universes that we can jump to if we want.
Therefore, that implies that each version of our existence may be perfect as such, but some might seem to be better to us than others.

This might be a bit complicated.

We are all God. The world that we live in is also God.

But apparently, there are many versions of these worlds, all God, but all different.

How can this be?

If God is perfect, how can He make countless different versions, each one perfect for us to choose to live in? Or rather “why”?

One would think that God, being perfect, would make just one perfect world for all of us to live in but there are countless different versions for each one of us and countless realities, many for each person.

Obviously, I am playing with you a bit.

At the end of the road, we will all join God in a perfect world but, at the moment, near the bottom of the ladder, we have innumerable choices that we may choose from.

There has to be a life lesson here.

Quite what it is, I do not know for the moment, but it has to do with making the right choices, I suppose, following the higher self.

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