I had to do my military service.
As you may know, my mother was a natural and very good medium.
She drew around her some women friends who were also mediums.
One day, shortly before I had to start my military service, she asked one of her friends to visit us and this lady told me that she had asked a guide to look after me while I was doing my army stuff.
The funny thing was that I saw this lady as an Indian – not a red Indian but someone from India. Much later I learned that she was a white person but her guide was Indian.
I assume that she was being overshadowed by her guide and that is what I saw.
Anyway, fast forward a few weeks and I was in Germany.
I was sitting in front of an open window, cleaning my rifle when, to my horror, a spring from the rifle flew out of the open window and disappeared a couple of stories lower.
I searched and searched for this spring to no avail.
As darkness started to close in, I became desperate.
Suddenly, I remembered this guide and I told him that if he was there, now was the time to offer help.
I looked down and there at my feet was the spring.
You cannot imagine how relieved I was.
After that I never doubted and this guide helped me over and over again.
I just have to ask and, if it is important, guides spring into action – pun not intended.
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